knits in progress ... I'm dying to finish Shriek, just because I'm love with this yarn and can't wait to see the final result
Pattern: Shriek, Rowan 32

Pattern: Funky, Rowan 34

Pattern, Leftovers from
Knitty (not really using leftover yarn, but I really like this pattern, so ...)

And finished another
restigouche, in lilac just in time for the April swaporama

and speaking of which, my package is almost ready to go. I think it's probably the first time I'm actually ahead of schedule with a swap .. just need to get a couple more things and it's going to the mail by the end of the week. And just in case you're wondering, I've included some children's items because my secret recipient has a kid ;-)

and to show you I've actually been working on some sewing projects, here's the current stash of (yet) unfinished items ...