Still trying to finish a few things before the baby arrives ... not long to go now :)
A couple of months ago I got copies of both Lotta Jansdotter's "Simple sewing for baby" and Anna Maria Horners' "Handmade beginnings".
They both contain practical and useful baby projects (and in case of Handmade begininnings, a few things for mom as well), so they've been my inspiration for several projects lately.

First off the list was a diaper change mat.
I used a thick cotton floral fabric for the outside, and a red polka dot oil cloth for the inside.

Then I tried the nursing pillow. The pattern on Lotta's book turned out to be too small, so I just enlarged it a bit so it would actually go around my waist (well, I think it goes around my waist, since I really couldn't try it on). I also made a beige polka dot cover for it, since I figure it's going to get dirty easily.

The snuggler ... this one I just had to make as soon as I saw it. I actually made two versions, a light flannel for warmer days, and a fleeced one for winter.

And naturally, I had to make myself a sling. No pattern for this on either book but I just followed the instructions given
here. I used some plain blue denim for one side, and some stash fabric for the other side. It turned out so nice I'll probably make a couple more in different patterns and colors.