#96 is an order from A. and daisies seem to be one of the most popular designs I've made, since I keep getting asked to make more of them :-)

and yesterday was mail day and also BC meeting day:
... T, you were right ... AFFC has finally arrived, but I only managed to read the first 20 pages of it last night .. I'm going to try and enjoy it slowly :-)
... my TBR keeps increasing, thanks to loans from T. (more Dunnett) and gifts from F. and M.
... lovely blue mohair yarn arrived (from eBay, where else ?)
... and my second trade from Vamos Trocar arrived finally from Brasil. Nayana, or Flores na janela sent me some cute items she has made

finished Gilmore Girls season 4 last night ... a bit of a disappointment, but the last 3 episodes were worth waiting for :-) Finally I got to see L and L together, although the scene between R and D .. oh well, I want season 5 now !!!!!
O tecido interior da capa é lindo, sempre gostei muito dele. E temos de fazer umas festa em honra da capa nº 100!! :op
(cada vez que vejo as vossas compras no eBay só me dá vontade de lá ir e desatar a comprar tudo!! ;))
the daisies book cover is so gorgeous! I like the daisies very much as well.
And yay for AFFC having arrived, though I still think your postman might improve with a little torturing ( yeah AFFC is giving me ideas). If you are going to savor it, it is wise of you, but want to talk about it on real life, will be stalking you trying to find when you finish it!
Temos de comemorar a capa número 100. Realmente chegaste lá muito depressa :)
Esta tem malmequeres!! é a minha?
As tuas capas estão cada vez mais lindas e agora os estojos de agulhas... estã lindíssimos!!
Está muito gira esta capa!
Está liiiiinnnndddddaaaaaaa! Nem tenho palavras! E ainda por cima é minha!! ;))
essa é pra mim a capa mais linda que já fizeste!!!!!linda!!!!
Dear dear... what's the rush?
Season 5 is coming your way this weekend, hopefully, and there is a lot more to enjoy. :) (and to help you to keep your mind out of season 6...)
your works and designs are adorable :D
to my surprise i found out someone who seems as addictive to gilmore girls as me and my sister are :D
big kiss*
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