so I've been reading everywhere lately about how stretched of time everyone seems to be and how they wish they could give back more to this wonderful blogging community. Also about the quality of their blogging and consequently on tips about blog writing. These, I think, are common worries for any blogger/crafter ... Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could have more than 24-hour days to make all those projects we have popping inside our heads and never seem to get around to actually doing ? Back in January I planned so many projects for this year, but now I can't believe it's (almost) June and so little has been accomplished. I'm still behind on my orders (sorry guys, I'm trying ...) and the shop updates have been irregular to say the least. Sometimes there's so little time that blogging seems to be more about showing photos than actually writing something meaningful.

And then there's blog reading, which is something that seems to be taking much more of my time than it used to, especially since discovering this immense crafty blogsphere. Which leads me to my next question, why do we read the blogs that we do ? Before bloglines I really didn't have a very efficient way of tracking which blogs to keep up with so I'd just rely on my side bar links and start clicking whenever I had a bit of free time. Now I have it somewhat organised and try to read the updates at least once a day (ok, so sometimes I only glance at the photos, but most times I actually read every post). My organization is very basic, and goes in the lines of: daily reads, meaning close friends, crafty or not, that I like to keep up with, share gossip or just silly comments about everyday stuff; inspiration, all those wonderful crafty blogs that keep me inspired and that allowed me to know such amazing people; knitting fever, for those knitting blogs that motivate me to continue my own; and flickr photo pools, for photo inspiration. And I currently have 133 feeds on my list, which is pretty close to what I can handle these days without getting overboard *sigh*. Like most people, I do have a 9 to 6 job (quite non crafty related) so it's a tough challenge to try and balance whatever free time I have most days.
So what I'm trying to say is, I'm probably going to take things a bit slower from now on. Apparently there's a good chance we'll actually move to the new appartment this summer (cross your fingers) so I'll be busy painting walls and decorating soon. If you don't see new posts for a few days, don't worry, I'm just taking a break :-)
And now for the crafty bit of this post: those fabrics scraps are part of the package that Blair generously sent me. Lovely tiny bits of fabric, and I already have plans for a few of them. The neat cardboard boxes are my attempt to organise the fabric stash that's been piling all these months. I've organised them by color, seems to work better for me this way, and attached some handmade labels to know what's inside.
all this talk about time just reminded me of that cool time turner gadget that Hermione had on one of the HP books. Anyone knows where I can buy one ? that would actually work, of course ...