Friday, October 13, 2006

♥ japanese lunchboxes

No wips to show today, so I thought I'd share with you some pictures that my friend J. forwarded to me. These are amazingly cute ... the Japanese sure know how to prepare their children's lunchboxes, don't you think ?

(T., this one is especially for you :)

Have a good wekend, everyone !



AnaGF said...

isto é impressionante!

fantasma said...

Estão um espectáculo!

Convenção Bookcrossing said...

Já tinha visto estas imagens numa revista na aula de Japonês.
Isso é que é arte!!

.. said...

oh, oh, oh, adoro o meu! e agora sei escrever blossom em japonÊs ( blossom ou arroz, enfim!). E espreita este set no flickr


Rodrigo Palma said...

Já tinha visto estas imagens, mas sempre que as revejo não consigo deixar de me babar (^_^)v

Os japoneses são excepcionais!!

Sandra Dias said...

Quem me dera voltar a ser pequenina e ir para a escola com um lanche como estes... espevita logo a disposição de qualquer um.

Unknown said...

oh!!! it is incredible!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes! it's so cute and so good I suppose!

Sofia said...

simplesmente impressionante!!! :O

Anonymous said...

they're fabulous but boy am I glad the my son won't be going to school here in Japan- looks labor intensive! From what I hear there's a real competition going on between the mothers with these lunches and then the kids just throw them away out of embarrassment!

Anonymous said...

Yes, they are cute enough to eat up :)

I would hate to have to make that everyday..


Sue said...

How very clever are those japanese people. Wish I could be imaginative like that too.

Gina said...

Wow, really impressive!

13 said...

A isto se chama criatividade!

Anonymous said...

Ah! the cute!

Anonymous said...

Grande originalidade :)

Anonymous said...

estou sem palavras...só consigo dizer:
eu querooooooo!

♥ ♥ ♥

Melissa said...

the powerpuff girls! that is awesome!