(the total number of squares is 42, and final dimensions are 160 cm x 130 cm)
definitely looks good over the bedroom cabinet
detail of how the squares were joined (using the single crochet method). The front looks smooth and seamless
detail of the back, where you can see the join ridges. I actually like this side better
and folded
and you'll probably think I'm crazy, but I'm already thinking about the next one. It won't be another granny or ripple (which, by the way, is not finished yet) but something altogether more simple. That's for another post soon.
excelente trabalho, Tania!! Está espectacular!! Eu não tinha tanta paciência ;)
Oh that is SO beautiful, I love it. The colours are amazing (I love the first pic, looks like it came straight out of a magazine!), and the joins are beautiful.
Can't wait to see what you start next!
So beautiful!!
Então é crochet que eu tenho de aprender...
Absolutely Wonderful!! :)
Wow! It's BEAUTIFUL! I love the colors that you used.
Oh wow, looks beautiful!
Amazing!! really cute, I understand why you are thinking about crochet another one, the results are expectacular!
So pretty! I love the colors you chose. I need to learn to crochet to make one of these too!
Oh, that looks super! Well done, what an excellent job :D I'm tempted now, if I EVER finish my Ripple! x
Boa! Ficou lindo! Não sei como consegues fazer estas coisas no Verão...Eu quero ver se lá mais para a frente começo o das ondinhas.
Oh it's gorgeous !
Ai que lindo, Tânia! Lindo, lindo. Onde e como é que eu conseguiria aprender a fazer coisinhas destas? Crochet e afins?
(sempre quis aprender mas a minha avó nunca teve pachorra. será que consigo aprender com revistas?)
Olá Tania!
Volto a comentar neste post mas é por uma boa causa =P
Será que podes, quando tiveres um tempinho livre, passar no meu blog e deixar a tua opinião ao post que lá coloquei?
Preciso mesmo da tua opinião!!
Beijos **
It is sooo lovely, im thinking of starting one.
Sarah x
It looks so nice. That's how my grandmother joins her squares too.
What a gorgeous blanket. It's ages since we did any crochet...think it's time we started again!
Margaret and Noreen at The Homely Year
It's really lovely.
Beautiful blanket, and perfect on both sides too. What a wonderful achievement, wish I could seam together that well. I think it looks wonderful, and I cant wait to see what the next one will be.
Uau, está mesmo fantástico!
Eu também estou a pensar fazer uma,mas só no inverno!
Para quem não sabe fazer convém ter alguem que ajude a fazer, mas se não tiver dá perfeitamente para aprender com revistas.
Eu aprendi melhor os pontos básicos na net que com a minha avó.
Depois com um bocadinho de paciência e persistência vai-se avançando aos poucos para os pontos mais difíceis.
Eu tenho feito assim e até agora tem corrido bem!
The colors are beautiful. Great work.
So beautiful! Your seaming is flawless.
Excellent work! I love the smooth seams and the colours you chose.
Lovely seams. I'm making my very first granny square afghan, as well, and I've never joined squares before (beginner). Thank you so much for sharing this. It's a beautiful afghan, and I learned exactly what I needed from your post.
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