humm, doesn't that look so nice ? Most of my yarn purchases are impulsive buys, I just look at all that beautiful yarn and can't help myself. So this was last saturday's shopping, some Gedifra Fashion Trend in purple, Debbie Bliss Merino in blue, some more of this yarn in a different color, and the long awaited Noro Silk Garden in color 245. All of these have projects in mind already, although as always I might change my mind a dozen times before I start using them.
Well, the Gedifra I cast on the same day, for the Scoop Neck Vest. I love wearing vests, I really do, and this one just looks so perfect.

And some more of my wips ... to complete my matching set I started on some Maine morning mitts, and I have to say it looks amazing in this yarn.

And the Counterpane pullover, which is growing very slowly. The yarn (Madil merino mix 100) is wonderful to knit with and the pattern easy to follow but not so boring that I fall asleep.

And this ? It's my latest knitting needle case. I bought a bunch of bamboo needles lately at eBay (something like 30 sets of DPNs and 15 circulars .. scary, right ? but I love bamboo needles and these were so cheap) and was at a loss on how to store them. I finally decided to make the usual needle cases, one for each set, and stamp the size number with some fabric inkpad so it would be easier for me to find the one I wanted (although all of the needles are clearly marked, which was a nice surprise). For the DPNs this works quite well, but for the circulars I'm still trying to find a good solution, so if you have any suggestions please let me know !
e ainda dizem que a perfeição não existe!
O estojo para as agulhas ficou lindo.
Tania, essas lãs são um espetáculo e os teus trabalhos também. Ah, entretanto já consegui resolver aquela questão do etsy!
This case is adorable, i love the fabrics you used! -kb
I still have to decide where I shall put my bamboo needles too ;-) For the circular, I tried the roll but it's not "fine"... Hugs Sandrine from Belgica ;-)
It must have been a great bargain to buy so many needles. I love your needle rolls too, great fabrics as always. All of your knits look wonderful, and I love the striping on the gloves too.
I love seeing all that new yarn!
Your needle case is fantastic!
this is a tutorial for a circular needle case that I've been meaning to try.
I love your needle rolls, ist´s ingeniously
Olá Tania, tudo bem?
Como vc viu não resisti à Noro... nem à Debbie Bliss, nem à Byzanz(Gedifra), nem à Karenina(Gedifra)...
Adorei seu porta agulhas, tá super funcional; para as circulares, vc que tem o maior jeito para as costuras, dá uma olhada na página da Dream Weaver, acho que tem lá umas idéias bem interessantes no link needles cases(www.dreamweaveryarns.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=131&products_id=124)!
Beijinhos, bons trabalhos!
Tânia, neste link http://www.organizedknitter.com/cases/straightandcircular.html, podes tirar algumas ideias para fazeres uma bolsa para as tuas agulhas circulares. Também gostei da ideia de usar um porta CDs, mas penso que as bolsas podem ser pequenas. Boa sorte e boas ideias.
Hey buddy ur needle rolls r fantastic!!!!
Wow! I love the needle case! ^^ Great idea and beautiful fabric combinations. Fantastic idea to stamp the sizes too!!! ^^
Your main goal should be to make your room or home as comfortable and attractive to your taste as you can. The creation of theme groups of art images is a great way to decorate your walls and your home decorating. These theme groups can be done with any combination of sizes and subjects as long as they match or contrast nicely with your wall and environment colors. http://decoration-ideas.blogspot.com .
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