Ufff .. so I decided I just had to finish this piece before going on vacation tomorrow, and it actually just took a few hours last night while catching up with a couple of my favorite series.
I'm sooo glad it's done, this will be my last project in cotton for a long time and next summer I'll probably just stick to a small piece or two - it really gives me no pleasure to work with anything non woolly.
That said, I just noticed that I've omitted a few things, including the lace edges at the necklines which was unintentional. Maybe I'll end up making them one of these days, but for now I'm thrilled with this result.
Other changes, which I decided to do after seeing all the other finished items on Ravelry: lengthened the body quite a bit, and decreased the number of stitches on the center panel (so it wouldn't be falling off my shoulders all the time). Totally forgot to make the first section of short rows and ditched the cinch straps altogether. Despite all my complaints about cotton, this yarn is actually nice, very soft and didn't stretch much after washing.
Pattern: Corset Pullover, by Robin Melanson, from IK Knits Spring 03
Yarn: Schachenmayr Nomotta Punto (9 skeins)
Needles: 4.5 mm
Ravelry link here
Ok, now I have to go and finish my packing... see you back in a week or so !
wow, I'm so impressed with yours. THe colour is beautiful and love how it looks on you. Congratulations on the finish!
It does look beautiful on you and I love the colorway too.
wonderful job! you're inspiring! I've wanted to make the corset top forever, but was hesitant for whatever reason. Now, I think I've got some inspiration
Looks fantastic! Just wondering - it's amazing how many things you manage to finish - do you have any tips for quicker knitting? I would love it if you could post on that/your technique sometime!
It looks great - and I think you've chosen a really nice colour. It is very tempting to start knitting one :-)
looks fantastic as everything you knit does!!!
Wow, great job and it looks as if it fits perfectly! Way to go.
You are such a prolific knitter! And this one fits you so so well, lovely.
É incrível como as tuas versões resultam melhor do que os originais, espreitei o modelo original e gosto muito mais da tua versão. Parabéns. E boa viagem!
Linda! E a cor fica-te mesmo bem!
Boas férias, já agora... :)
Está lindo, mais bonito que qq que tenha visto à venda ultimamente! Boas férias!
That came out really beautiful! I made this about two years ago and couldn't wear it for the reasons you mentioned. I wish ravelry had been around when I had attempted this pattern.
I wanted to tell you I sent my parents to your blog a while back, they are big travelers. They used your posts about your trip to Turkey as a guide for their latest trip. They had a fabulous time, starting their trip by staying in the same hotel you mentioned on arrival. thank you for posting such wonderful pictures and details about your travels. I think they are looking closely at your Iceland trip now :)
Very very nice. I love it.
It looks so lovely. Much better than the original
I so so Love it! You did a wonderful job. Perfect style and beautiful color.
Hope you have a wonderful trip.
Thank came out great!! It is such a wonderful color on you!
You have been tagged: http://dadosrosa.blogspot.com/2008/10/7-things-about-me.html
Ficou uma camisola mesmo bonita! Tenho espreitado o seu blog e gosto muito dos seus trabalhos. Gostava de lhe pedir um conselho...onde compra lãs tão bonitas? Eu moro em Lisboa e não conheço muitas lojas, e a lã que tenho comprado para projectos pequeninos não é muito boa. Eu gostava de me arriscar a fazer um casaquinho, mas gostava de usar uma lã bonita. Pode-me dar algumas dicas? Obrigada,
Ficou uma camisola mesmo bonita! Tenho espreitado o seu blog e gosto muito dos seus trabalhos. Gostava de lhe pedir um conselho...onde compra lãs tão bonitas? Eu moro em Lisboa e não conheço muitas lojas, e a lã que tenho comprado para projectos pequeninos não é muito boa. Eu gostava de me arriscar a fazer um casaquinho, mas gostava de usar uma lã bonita. Pode-me dar algumas dicas? Obrigada,
SUPER cute... love the color too!
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