Our next stop was the National Park of Berchtesgaden and the postcard-pretty Konigsee lake.
Berchtesgaden (the village) is also worth a visit and is an excellent base for visiting the area. We were sorry not to have more time to spend here, but I'm sure we'll go back someday.
The village at night
The Konigsee is a deep glacial lake, very fjord-like and with impressive views all around. It's possible to take a boat trip all the way to the other side, but during winter you can only go half way, so we stopped at St. Bartholoma church and hiked the rest of the way down.
(and this is probably the last post of the year, so wishing you all the best for 2009 !)
I have visited the Konigsee lake before, but at that day it is raining heavily. What a pity and we don't have enough time to visit the church. Also, I love Nuremburg.
wish you and your family a * healthy new year *. All your wishes may be fulfilled!
love greetings of Ines and the Casarthbaeren
Olá, Tania.
Sou brasileira, do Rio de Janeiro, e visito seu blog há algum tempo para admirar seu trabalho e curtir suas viagens com as fotos lindas que você compartilha. Desta vez, felizmente você mostrou a Alemanha, onde pretendo ir nas minhas próximas férias... Aliás, fiquei com mais vontade ainda! Eu gostaria de trocar idéias com você, ok?
Abraço e Feliz Ano Novo!
Estou fazendo uma campanha de doacões pra montar uma minibiblioteca comunitaria na minha comunidade carente aqui no Rio de Janeiro,preciso da ajuda de todos.Doacões no Banco do Brasil agencia 3082-1 Conta 9.799-3 Que DEUS abencoe todos nos.Meu e-mail asilvareis10@gmail.com
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