But the back is what made me knit this
Pattern: #28 Vihervaara -huppari / GreenGable -hoodie, by Mari Muinonen (from Vogue Knitting Fall 08)
Yarn: Schachenmayr Nomotta Extra MErino Big (11 skeins)
Needles: 6mm
Notes + Changes: Knit this with smaller needles to suit my yarn, so I made one size up. As usual, added some waist shaping, and didn't bother putting any buttons since I like the neckline as it is.
It's a very straightforward pattern except for the hood finishing. I couldn't really follow the pattern instructions here (kept getting the wrong stitch count) so I followed Mason204's directions (ravelry link) and it didn't turn out too bad.
In the end the body came out too long, so I had to frog from the bottom and reknit the ribbing a couple of times. A note about the yarn: after washing this will stretch a bit lengthwise, so if you're using this particular yarn, take that into account.
Beautiful colour - well done!
Oh gosh you are such a fast knitter!
The hoodie is gorgeous.
I love how your cat tried to steal some limelight, ha :D
Gosto muito!
It's really beautiful! Unfortunately I don't think it's a good idea to attract that much attention to my back-end.
Linda! Resulta perfeitamente a textura do padrão e a cor apetitosa. O bichano também...
Olá. Tenho visitado o seu blog e admiro muito os seus projectos de tricot. Tenho alguns conhecimentos básicos embora há muito adormecidos. Gostaria de lhe perguntar se conhece algum sítio onde possa encontrar instruções em português. Obrigada
Very pretty! That's a great colour for you.
Bem, que bonita que ficou, gosto especialmente do modo como o capuz termina e dos torcidos.
Muito fora!
Tens é que variar mais nas cores, o teu armário e gavetas devem ser só dentro do espectro vermelho!!! =^-^=
Tou a brincar, ficas muito bem com esta cor.
sweet kiss
And the sleeves rock too!! Great work! :o)
OMG that's stunning! I love it!
wow. u did a great job.
Absolutely lovelly!
Love the cables! Your cat's adorable, too!
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Omg it's beautiful!
Could you please give me the pattern? Cause I searched the whole internet and I couln't find it!
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