Dresses have always been one of my favorite items of clothing, and now with my belly advancing week by week, they've definitely turned into my best friend. They're practical and so confortable to wear, and perfect for this warmer weather.
Finding nice maternity dress patterns, however, is not so simple. Most of the ones I found would probably make me look more like a tent than pregnant, and although I do like empire style dresses, I usually favor a more fitted style.
So jersey or knitted fabric dresses seem to be what suits me best. I have a few Boden dresses, for example, that still fit me now, and I'm very tempted to get this tea dress.
After some online seach, I came across this pattern, which seemed to fit what I was looking for. It really is quite straightforward to make, although assembling that front band was not that easy since I didn't interface it. I also made it much longer, since I had bought more fabric than the pattern called for, and I didn't want to waste it.
I'm really happy with how it turned out, and I hopefully I'll get a lot of wear out of it during the next three months ...
Absolutely beautiful! Very flattering fit.
Gosto muito, muito, muito, e fica-te lindamente.
Está lindo! E não podes apertar depois da gravidez? Porque é um vestido absolutamente perfeito.
Uau, fica-te tão bem!!
Muitos parabéns pelo estado de graça :-) está uma grávida lindissima.
Don't you know this book?
I bought it last year when on holidays in France and it's great. I haven't tried any of the patterns but I'm willing to do it.
Red is definitely your color - :)
I like to think that finally you're pregnant, I was expecting this!
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