I've been desperately trying to finish a few more orders this week, because the next 3 weeks I won't be around much ... at the last minute I've been scheduled to go to London for a training course, coming back on Thursday night just in time to celebrate my b-day on Friday with friends and family... And then it's 2 weeks of very much deserved vacation :-) I'm taking dad for a few days' visit to Spain and then A. and I will be off to a tour of Germany and Austria (yes, I know, it's where everything is flooded right now ... I'm hoping it gets better during the next week)
So to everyone who has been waiting for their orders, please have a little more patience, I promise I'll take care of it as soon as I come back. And I'll post a few more things during the weekend before I go ...
#67, order from T.
#68, order from P.
#69 and #70, orders from C.
Tantos miaus lindosssss.... :)))
As capas estão lindas, para não variar. Aqueles tecidos interiores... um espanto!!!
E vais ver que esta semana passa a correr para as férias!!! :o)
Espero que te divirtas muito, e que vejas coisas lindas! Cá te esperamos, com muitas fotos na bagagem!!
the new fabrics so bougth looks amazing in your covers!!!
Tão giras!!!!
Estão lindas, como de costume!
Que lindas! A nº68 é a minha favorita, sem dúvida! Cor de fora, cores de dentro, miaus... Adoro adoro adoro!!
Vi o seu blog na activa - parabens!
quanto custa esta capa?
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