more curly scarves, this time in beige .. one for myself, the other one is a X-Mas gift for a friend

a Bella scarf in red. . I made it simple, without the unravelling bits that the pattern asked for, but I'll be starting a new one soon that will follow the pattern exactly. A huge thanks to Susan, the fantastic creator of this pattern, and who generously sent it to me from the US (KnitPicks unfortunately does not mail to Europe)

and my new knitting book arrived from amazon (among other things .. it was a huge order that F., S. and I shared) ... socks are my next big knitting challenge, and this book has some really cute patterns (what can I say ? I love vintage stuff :-)

and to finalize, a new Kitty pouch I made for A. who is the biggest Kitty fan I've ever known (and she loved it !)

Isso é que foi dar ao dedo! :o)
Wow, Tania!
You've been knitting so intensely.
You must really love it!!
I love all your lovely works!!
É fantástico não é? Aquela sensação de que se parares de tricotar até podes não respirar mais! Às vezes chego a ganhar calo nos dedos! Mas quando acabas... sentes-te um bocadinho mais, tu!
Gosto muito do teu trabalho, principalmente das capas de livro! Keep up the good work girl!
Também fiz vários cacchecóis curlu para oferecer no Natal ;) Mas todos em crochet, gosto mais do efeito final do que em tricô
I like the scarf that way, too, Tania!
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