It seems I'm obsessed with knitting these days. I'm still sewing (shop updates coming soon, I promise) but knitting seems to be my favorite stress relief. That and inline skating, finally. I've had this pair of skates tucked in the closet for months now and on saturday I had my first class. Amazingly I didn't fall that much, I could even manage some turns and learned how to stop (well, more or less). Anyway, I loved it, as you can tell, so I know how my next weekends will be spent from now on.
Back to the knitting .. Remember I was so sad that one of my favorite yarn shops is closing down by the end of the year ? Well, I'm still sad about that (I went there last week to stock up on Katia yarn by the way, and they're making some good discounts) but I followed
Glaucia's suggestion and visited this new yarn store that opened up very close by, called
Spa Tricot. It's small but lovely, and the owner Mafalda very nice and knowledgeable. She's currently stocking Gedifra and Schachenmayr yarn, but very soon she will also have some Rowan, Debbie Bliss, Mission Falls and Noro (Blossom and Silk Garden). I'm especially looking forward to see the Noro, I've been wanting to knit a Noro cardigan for myself for quite some time now.
Anyway, if you're nearby go check it out, it's definitely worth it.
Centro Comercial AC Santos
Avenida da Igreja, 15, loja 24
Aberto das 10 as 19 (excepto domingos)
Open from 10 to 19 (except Sundays)

And down below a few magazines I picked up at the Munich airport (Rebecca and Ottobre Design) and Kim Hargreaves
Heartfelt pattern book. The Rebecca magazine is quite good, there were a few patterns I really liked (such as the dresses below), but unfortunately my German is very limited. I've enlisted the help of a friend, and slowly we're trying to make sense of the pattern instructions.


Now the Heartfelt
patterns are all amazing. Kim Hargreaves was one of my favorite designers at Rowan, and I always feel like knitting all her designs. These two below are just a couple of my favorites.

And finally, some the knitting I did over the weekend. The scarf was finished sometime ago, but I finally made a hat to match. And following the same pattern, the first of the christmas gifts is now done.
My so called scarfHats:
Snowball hat, from Interweave Knits Fall 07