(location: Peninha, trail length: 4.5 km)
we also baked a little: applesauce cake again and some baked cheesecake (thanks for the recipe, T)
and the first strawberries of this season for breakfast ...
and not much crafting, but here's a little wip selection for something soon ...
also, watched a couple of good movies, ate some more dim sum and tried a new indian restaurant nearby (good, by the way). And sunday lunch with the family, of course.
And how was your easter ?
Também vi o 330. Adorei! Muito bom. Vi o último do David Fincher, The Zodiac. Não gostei nada, ainda pior do que o Panic Room. Este realizador está acabado :( E eu que gostava tanto dele.
300 claro :p
My Easter was very nice...however very cold and snowy.
I loved your photos...of the hike and of the baking...
Can't wait to see what you will be making next! You are always very inspiring with your projects you share with us.
Have a good week!
Foi agradável, como sempre.
Mas como estava muito frio, nada como estar em casa e arranjar um tempinho para fazer algumas ilustrações.
Estou, entretanto a aguardar as actualizações que vais fazer relativamente às malas, visto eu não ter dado sorte, com aquelas que escolhi...
Adorei as fotos.
Marília Cardoso
Hope the cheesecake turned out well - I forgot to warn that on those "formas de mola" you better wrap the outside of the mould in aluminum paper in case it drips! Weekend was nice!
The view is beautiful! That would make hiking even more enjoyable.
my easter was nice, some family came from Spain. I love your pics of the hike, the sea looks so beautiful and blue. I love cooking too so I also enjoyed seeing your cake and of course your book covers, they're awesome!!
What a gorgeous view!!!! I want to go hiking there. I recently went hiking around my neck of the woods.... I am so hooked.
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