desta vez para uma menina, que também se chama gaspar (de apelido, claro)
to brighten up this rainy day, here's another patchwork bag, also customized and reversible. It's probably one of my favorites, so I guess I'll just have to make one for myself now.
see the reverse side here and the back here
brrr, and it's chillier today, so maybe I'll get to wear that scarf soon after all.
Have a great weekend !
This bag is incredible - you are so talented!
Beautiful tote!
Excuse me for asking, but why does it say Gaspar? I'm asking because my boyfriend's dad is named Gaspar and it made a funny impression as I couldn't help but think of it as his purse!
Does Gaspar mean anything?
Ficou um encanto.
Absolutely wonderful bag. I would make one for me too if I were you.
yeah I'd make one for myself too. it's wonderful!!
what a gorgeous bag! and i love your cat softies! too cute.
I have to say it looks wonderful. The colors and composition is fantastic :)
Está mesmo, mesmo lindo! Parabéns por todas as coisas lindas que fazes :)
Muito muito gira mas apaixonei-me pelas summer bags... ainda tens alguma disponível?Quanto custam? (se der diz-me qq coisa para slopes18@hotmail.com)
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