Friday, May 25, 2007

on heroes and others

I don't talk much about tv series here, but truth be known I'm addicted to them. And I like to craft and watch tv at the same time, so give me a good tv series and some knitting and I'm all happy.

So last night during another dim sum dinner with friends, some of them had such distinct opinions on the season finale of Heroes - which I couldn't comment because I hadn't seen it yet - that I arrived home and had to watch it at once. Unfortunately, I have to agree, it's quite bad. All that plot building throughout the whole series and this is how it ends ? I think they could've done better, much better. On the other hand, the S6 of 24, which was quite bad most of the time, had a somewhat unexpected finale, and I'm mildly curious about Jack Bauer's next thing. Also, a quick note for BSG S3, which I thought had a good start but totally sucked at the end. For later tonight I've saved Grey's Anatomy S3 finale - this season was probably the best one for me so far - and Gilmore Girls S7 series finale - I'm sad it's finished, but it's probably for the best since this last season was just not quite the same.

And to finish during the weekend, the last season of the West Wing, which has to be one of my all time favorite tv series (thanks to my friends who insisted on introducing me to it). I've been watching it non stop from season 1 since last year and I can't say exactly what it is that makes me enjoy it so much. Well, the brilliant and fast paced dialogues might have something to do with it. And I guess the excellent acting and constant quality of the episodes. Anyway, I have 12 episodes left to watch, and I'm already missing it.

There's loads of other series I've been meaning to see, and just didn't have the time yet. I have these saved up for the summer already: Studio 60, House S3, Brothers & Sisters, Weeds (1 & 2), Rome S2, the Tudors. See, I did tell you I enjoyed watching tv, right ? I know I'm hopeless, I truly do (but no more than a few other people I know .. right, girls ?).

But I'll leave you with two recommendations for BBC series I've watched recently, which you must see if you haven't already. After many suggestions on this post, I decided to try out Wives & Daughters (Elizabeth Gaskell) and Our Mutual Friend (Dickens). What can I say ? They're both excellent, although Our Mutual Friend totally blew my mind. The acting, the characterization, the plot (hey, it's Dickens, although I'm ashamed to say I never did finish this book), the whole setting is amazingly well done. And Anna Friel and Steven McKintosh are the perfect Bella and John, although I also enjoyed the rest of the cast so much. I'm trying to get my hands on a few more period/costume series, particularly The Aristocrats and the rest of the House of Elliot, but right now on top on my to-be-seen pile is Bleak House, Upstairs Downstairs and Elizabeth I (2005).

So that's my take on tv blurb at the moment. Can't believe I wrote a whole post about it. Sorry, next week we'll resume our usual program of craft related posts, promise.
(But if you have any more good recommendations, please do let me know :)


Anonymous said...

Bom, recomendações... uma já sei que n queres: The Shield. Mas acredita, vale mesmo a pena, é das séries mais reais que já vi, e é interessante ver a consistência das histórias. Já viciei várias pessoas na série, incluindo a Flor. Porque não lhe dás uma hipótese, nem que seja para ver a season 5?! ;)
De resto, acho que tens mto boas escolhas para o verão: é pena que o Studio 60 não vá ter seguimento, mas ao menos vamos ter direito a um final.
Das séries recentes, devias experimentar a The Riches, que está muito boa, e que promete voltar com uma segunda temporada. :)
Quanto às da BBC, fiquei curiosa. Acho que vão ficar para o verão. :P

Ah, e se te sentires com força... tens mais de 40 issues do e-comic do Heroes. :P Quem sabe lá se encontre a explicação de um final tão fraco. :s

Paula hand made said...

Tens toda a razão, se há coisa que eu também não consigo é estar parada, e como para mim ver tv é estar parada ;-) passem-me umas lãs, umas agulhas, algo não interessa o quê a imaginação começa logo a funcionar :))

Anonymous said...

I quite liked the finale of heroes- I didn't expect it! Won't say anymore in case I spoil it for anyone.

Flor said...

A recomendar novas: The Shield, Shark e Boston Legal :)

Anonymous said...

I too craft whilst watching the TV. You mentioned The House of Eliot - I loved that series. I have the first series on video that my Mum picked up for me from a charity shop but I watched the all the series when they were on television the first time round. I just loved all the costumes and attention to detail, and Jack was rather nice too!

Anonymous said...

Very much second the Boston Legal suggestion, and add Life on Mars, the best series to come out of the UK in recent years, and also Deadwood, the most amazing HBO production, well..ever.

I'm just as addicted ;)

Gisele Schoene said...

Tambem adoro tv shows, assisto um episodio toda noite em DVD (atualmente estou assistindo The Shield). Meu show favorito e The Sopranos e estou super curiosa para saber o que vai acontecer cm Tony, mas tenho que esperar sair em DVD. Outros que valem a pena: Six Feet Under, Deadwood e se voce gosta de comedia, nao perca Arrested Development and The Office (BBC). Have fun!

fantasma said...

Também gostei muito do Boston Legal, vi recentemente a S1. E o Dexter, não me digas que ainda não viste o Dexter?!

Anonymous said...

Sim, sim, Boston Legal também é um must.
Danny Crane. ROTFL

Jodi said...

I was so impressed by Wives and Daughters. I'll have to check out Our Mutual Friend, too.

I just watched The Buccaneers, and it's OK, but it's not on the same level as Wives and Daughters or the BBC Pride and Prejudice.