I was going to post about some summer sewing I've been doing lately, but with the weather acting up so strange lately I decided to show you the finished Gilet instead. Who knows, I might actually be able to wear it before next winter if the weather goes on like this ....
Anyway, first I have to say that I love the finished result. It turned out exactly how I expected, which doesn't happen that often. Because of all the ribbing the pattern is very forgiving and no shaping is necessary, so the knitting is pretty straightforward. The seaming, however, is another issue. I had a very hard time trying to figure out how to attach the front ribbing and collar. With a little online help I managed it on my third try or so, and I have to admit that the result is very pleasing. Seaming ribbed sleeves is a nightmare though, and I had to reinforce it with some sewing thread in the end.
The yarn is wonderful to work with, and I think it will hold up well. I machine washed it, blocked it lightly, and it didn't stretch much, maybe just half an inch or so (in length).
Pattern: Gilet #480-T7-268, from Phildar nº 480 Tendances Winter 07/08
Yarn: Schachenmayr Nomotta Extra Merino Big (12 skeins)
Size: S
Needles: 5.5 mm
Changes: none in the knitting. The pattern calls for a snap to be attached to close the front, and the big button is for decorative purposes only, but I tried it and didn't like the result (the front kept opening up). So I attached two smaller buttons instead, and because the yarn is quite flexible I'm able to push them through the ribbing.

Since this was the last project I had on my winter list, I can now finally start the spring/summer projects I've been dying to make. I cast on for the Phildar Leafy Pullover and the Frock Camisole already, but didn't progress much so far. And does anyone have any good suggestions for what to make with two skeins of Kid Silk Haze ? I couldn't resist buying them on my last visit to Spa Tricot but I've never done lace and shawls are not exactly my thing, so any recommendations are appreciated.
It looks really great :o)
Oh another beautiful knit by you. It is gorgeous and turned out perfectly too.
It's beautiful!
Love the color!
that is really lovely, and it looks very nice on you.
Ficou perfeito.
Quanto à sugestão para o kid silk haze, existem dois modelos de que gosto particularmente. Um é chama-se Aimee http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/aimee e o outro é o Butterfly
It looks perfect on you. Love the red colour.
It's beautiful - great color.
Gorgeous! Love that color.
Tania, por favor, diz-me só qual é o teu segredoo?... Como é que consegues trabalhar, tricotar, criar e costurar para diversas encomendas e fazer tudo tão bem e rapidamente?!...
O casaco está lindo, bytheway! :)
It looks absolutely gorgeous! Congrats on your FO!
really, really nice shape!
Beautiful and perfect your gilet! As always.
For the kid silk I suggest the Eerie. From Rowan magazine 43. I have the pattern if you like it.
I want to knit eveything you make. Really.
And I have 2 balls of kidsilk haze currently turning into 'Wisp' (a Knitty pattern). But in my case, with several mistakes as it is my first attempt at Lace or at knitting with such fine yarn.
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