Hello everyone, how are you ? Didn't intentionally plan to have a blog break but I realised this morning that I hadn't posted this month yet. Summer is getting the better of me, in a very relaxed kind of way. I'm not much of a summer person, I enjoy fall and spring so much more, but the days have been perfect, not so incredibly hot you can't get out of the house, but warm enough to enjoy lazy picnics in the park and romantic walks in the evening.
Crafting has been sort of on hold, no sewing has been happening lately, although I'm still planning to finish a few of those summer dresses I had in mind. Some knitting has been going on, and I actually have another finished item I wanted to show you, but need to take better pictures first.
I've been reading more, and that pile up there is just a part of what's keeping me busy. Kate Morton's latest was ok, but not as good as her first one (or maybe I've been reading too many of these books lately), and I'm now enjoying "Water for elephants" quite a lot.
That, and planning for our next vacation. We had initially thought of visiting the Baltics with maybe a quick detour to St. Petersburg, but there's no love like the first and add to that the promise of good ice cream and it seems we're going back to Italy. So no adventures this time, and we're going in October which I hear it's a good time to go. We're planning a short stay in Tuscany just because it's one of our favorite places, then Cinqueterre and Lago di Como. If you've been there and have any good suggestions for me (like where to eat the best ice cream and such) I'd love to hear them.
I probably won't blog much during the next few weeks, but I do have some photos (old and new ones) I want to share, so I'll be keeping in touch.
Hope you're all having a great summer :)
I've been plowing through novels lately, too! Oddly enough, I haven't heard of many of the ones on your list, except for Water for Elephants (which is such a great book). Have you read The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell? It's both engrossing and thoughtful.
I recommend highly Od Magic - one of my favorite McKillips!
About Italy, the place I was telling you about was Orta san Giulio http://www.ortasangiulio.com/ in the Orta Lake. And if you are going through Milan, I was charmed by Pavia as a place to stay and explore around.
Cinque Terre is gorgeous! That is where my husband asked me to marry him. That was 8 years ago so I have no suggestions for you of where to go. We did have fun on the beach in Monterosso and we did a lot of hiking between the villages. The food, like everywhere in Italy, was amazing.
Where are you planning to visit in Tuscany?
Vi que estás a ler o Meu Nome é Vermelho. É engraçado porque li-o há apenas 2 meses, quando fui de férias para a Turquia. É muito intrincado e interessante.
Quanto a dicas para férias, fui à Toscânia e Lago Di Como há 8 anos logo não tenho grandes sugestões (actuais!). A minha cidade preferida foi Sienna - principalmente ao pôr do sol - e o passeio no Lago Di Como, no barco normalíssimo que transporta as pessoas que têm a sorte de morar à beira do Lago, ficou-me na memória até hoje. Lembro-me que comi um maravilhoso gelado com marron glacée (mesmo só para apreciadores das mesmas!) numa gelataria perto do cais dos barcos. É daqueles sítios onde sei que vou voltar!
Oh I was seing some pics of Cinque Terre, and wanted to fly there imediatly, it must be really beautiful. I hope you go there and bring wonderful pics and tips. ;)
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