Pattern: Ribs and lace tank, from Interweave Knits Spring 2007
Yarn: Garnstudio Muskat (5 skeins approx)
Needles: 3.25 / 5 mm
Ravelry link
Changes: Not sure how it happened but somehow I got confused with the gauge needed for this pattern and ended up buying a thinner yarn than called for. So I knitted one size up than I normally would and used smaller needles too
Wanted to make it shorter, so I only made 2 repeats of the bottom lace pattern. For the bust I simply used Svetlana’s instructions instead because I liked hers so much better, but I grafted the straps as in the original pattern.
This was the last summer item on my knitting list, and I've moved on to fall items already. Which means finishing the Aprés Surf Hoodie and the Corset Pullover. Both are still knit in cotton like yarns, but have sleeves which means probably perfect for wearing in October around here ...
It's gorgeous! Great work.
Linda a combinação de pontos e o fio, tem uma cor e uma textura fantásticas.
It is gorgeous and I love the color too.
It's so well knitted, you are talented! I prefer this one than in the magazine, you changed something in the breast and I prefer it than the original. Also tha yarn is very delicate and modern, I like it!
Simply gorgeous! Love it!
It's so lovely !!
i like the color is beautiful.
i am surprised when i saw 'my name is red' which you are reading nowadays. i really like this book.
you had been istanbul. so, you will remember istanbul's palaces when you read:)
i bought last book of orhan pamuk which is called 'the museum of innocence' it's a novel about love. i didn't read it yet. i am waiting a rainy day in winter to read:)
i hope you will like my name is red.
So pretty!
Beautiful work :-)
are you ok?
no new posts :(
Hey.... where are you??? Hope everything is fine....
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Color, fit...Gorgeous!!!
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