Another hoodie for my collection, it seems I cannot get enough of them. I really like this pattern, especially the puff sleeves and the i-cord bindoffs. It is a lot of stockinette stitch but it goes quickly, even in small needles.
At the very end I decided not to do the Cloud pocket, but maybe I'll change my mind someday (I'm keeping some of the yarn on stash, just in case). The front seemed a little empty without it, so I opted for some flowery embroidery instead.
Pattern: (Get off my) Cloud, by Kate Davies
Yarn: Wensleydale Longwool Sheepshop 4 ply (brown - 5.5 skeins, fennel - 1 skein)
Needles: 3.25/3.5 mm
Changes: added a bit more waist shaping, and slightly changed the sleeve decreases (I made a more gradual decrease than just the final k2tog).
Finally, I didn't like the way my hood hem turned out, so I sewed in a little bit of a lace ribbon to hide it:

Está lindo! Adoro os pequenos detalhes. :)
That's really beautiful - the lace ribbon and flower embroidery make it very feminine; I love it!
Lindo lindo! Parabéns!
This is very pretty! My new year's resolution 2009 was to learn to knit but so far I'm still stuck at scarf level :/
It's lovely! That contrast embroidery is pure genius!
Adorei o pormenor da flor, fica fantástico!! E essas mangas sao lindas! :) Gostei muito do resultado final :)
This is just gorgeous -- the colours, the lace, and particularly the embroidery -- I love it!
Perfect... as usual!
Está lindo!
Gosto muito das mangas e do capuz!
Chamo-me Catarina, e consegui o teu contacto através do Blogue "Blogs de Artesanato em Portugal".
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Divulga o mais que puderes esta iniciativa
Catarina Paixão
I've been inspired by your creations for years; decided to finally comment! Like everything else you make, the crafts-person-ship is truly graceful.
this is absolutely perfect.
definitivamente das coisas que mais gostei de ver sair-te das mãos.
! That contrast embroidery is pure genius!
Work from home India
Hi ,
you show us so many nice things, i just open this jappan book yesterday and project to sew this skirt with "raglan" sleeve. Did you sew it?
Keep posting stuff like this i really like it
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tão lindo! ainda está disponível para venda? sabe dizer-me o preço e as medidas? parabéns pelo seu trabalho.
Linda! Linda! Faz mais! São um sucesso!
Olá Tânia,
Gostei muito da tua camisola. Ainda estou a aprender a tricotar e se não houver regras muito precisas, não chego lá, por isso não consegui tirar o modelo do site que referiste. Podes partilhar comigo como fazer esta camisola?
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