Hi, I've been reading your blog for a couple of years. Just wanna tell you that I really like your taste in clothing - both sewn and knit items. Love the classy & comfortable style and the rich colours. The sunshine blanket is just adorable - noticing it on your blog makes me smile all over :-) Best wishes for you and the wee one...
Acabo de descobrir teu blog. Coisas lindissimas! Eu estive 4 anos em Lisboa e foi ai que aprendi a fazer costura. Que bom matar as saudades! Um abraco dos EUA!
Hi, I just came across your blog, it is amazing, congratulations. I am from Ireland & love it that you knit so beautifully. Kind thoughts.
Que bonitas que estão a ficar essas peças, parabéns :)
Hi, I've been reading your blog for a couple of years. Just wanna tell you that I really like your taste in clothing - both sewn and knit items. Love the classy & comfortable style and the rich colours.
The sunshine blanket is just adorable - noticing it on your blog makes me smile all over :-) Best wishes for you and the wee one...
Acabo de descobrir teu blog. Coisas lindissimas! Eu estive 4 anos em Lisboa e foi ai que aprendi a fazer costura. Que bom matar as saudades! Um abraco dos EUA!
These will be great! Keep at it.
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