after seeing such wonderful blogs and sites dedicated to knitting (like this, this and this, for example), I felt the urge to pick up my knitting needles again, something I hadn't done in almost 10 years...
So I went out and got myself a few magazines and books for inspiration (Noro Knits, Rowan #36, Scarf Style and the essential Stitch n' Bitch journal, of course !)

Aome photos from the inside ...
Noro knits

Rowan #36

Scarf style

And started out these projects so I could take them with me on vacation... I've deliberately chosen really simple projects, because I figured that this way I wouldn't get discouraged ;-)
Plaited basket stitch scarf
From the Naive Knitting blog, but I chose to do it in tones of pink instead

Red pullover
Actually, it's called the "cowl and howl set" from the Stitch and Bitch book. I'm really enjoyng knitting this sweater, because it's garter stitch and for me that's the fastest ;-)

Tweed scarf
Another lovely design I found on the Naive Knitting blog ... I think I'm using a thicker thread than I shoud have, but I like the result so far.

And for future projects (I know, I'm thinking way ahead of myself ...) here's what I already have on stock:
for the "to dye for" sweater from Stitch n' Bitch

for the quilted lattice scarf from Naive Knitting, but in turquoise

olá!faço tricot desde miúda mas sempre usei os velhinhos pontos de meia e liga.. gostei imenso deste padrão.. fui à naive knitting e confesso que não percebi nada!!!!!!podes dar-me uma ajuda?obg sóniabc
Pronto! Lá vais tu fazer a malta ter de abrir os cordões à bolsa para te fazer encomendas!! :)
Tão prendada, que inveja!!! lol
adenda: refiro-me ao "tweed scarf"!
O padrão parece complicado mas na realidade é bastante fácil. Envia-me um mail para tania.ho[at], posso tentar explicar-te melhor ...
A minha mãe é que tinha jeito para fazer tricot, quando era miúda ela fazia-me umas camisolas lindas. Um dia destes ainda vou buscar as agulhas dela e tento...
Só coisas lindas!
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