... had such a sunny ski vacation before. For the first time in years it didn't snow while we were there
... skied with better skis than these - Dynastar Ome Carve 10
... skied so fast and so fearlessly, probably due to the above mentioned. I'm usually afraid of high speeds but I guess with the right equipment everything changes. Of course, not fast enough to keep up with the guys yet, who were going down the slopes at 88 km/h, but I'm getting there ;-)
... enjoyed going to a spa more. Although I was a bit disappointed that we didn't make it to the new one in Soldeu, but next time we definitely will
... played a board game so many times in a row. Our newly received travel edition of Catan was a success and was out every night
... been so frustrated with a ski class. Our instructor Carmina (who is the best and the nicest and I can't pay her enough compliments) really tried to teach me the basics of carving but somehow I always managed to do something wrong :P Next year I promise I'll try again ...
more photos here

Uau! Aqui a "very very rookie" nem sabe o que dizer! As fotos estão um espectáculo, vou ver as restantes :)
I'm glad you loved Catan, another gamer convert!!
Algo está mal... ir pra neve e ainda ter forças para jogar Catan depois não é bom sinal :)
Those pictures make me jelous :)
Que belas fotos!! Bem vinda!
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