A. participated in one of the performances (sorry, didn't manage to take any decent photos of that ..) and was surprised when he received his official black belt diploma. And afterwards, a nice japanese dinner on the tatamis ...
"Kagami Biraki, which literally means "Mirror Opening" (also known as the "Rice Cutting Ceremony"), is a traditional Japanese celebration that is held in many traditional martial arts schools (dojos) usually on the second Saturday or Sunday of January so all students will be able to attend. It was an old samurai tradition dating back to the 15th century that was adopted into modern martial arts starting in 1884 when Jigora Kano (the founder of judo) instituted the custom at the Kodokan, his organization's headquarters. " ... more about this here, here and here

As fotos sao fantasticas - e a cerimonia parece ser uma beleza enorme!! :-)
Fotos lindas. :)
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