Wednesday, April 26, 2006

working space

sorry I haven't been updating this blog as frequently as I used to, but due to some recent changes at work I don't have as much free time as before, and I've trying to catch up on all of my late orders as well... so if you're waiting for an e-mail or a reply from me, please be patient and I'll get there, I promise. I'm still reading all the blogs (bloglines has its flaws, but it's still very convenient) but just haven't been able to comment as much as I'd like to.
These last 4 days were actually a bit chaotic around here. A. went to Dijon for a conference (seems like a charming place, I'll post some photos when he gets back) which left me with lots of time for crafting, or so I thought.

Saturday was actually a productive day, since the rain made me stay indoors. I worked on a few orders and started the new set of softies, and even cut the pattern for a blouse I've been meaning to make for myself. All that, and I even baked - a recipe for bagels that I found on our bread recipes book (I love bagels, why don't we have them here in Portugal ?)
anyway, the rest of the days I tried to craft some more, maybe even finish knitting my somewhat cowl, but we had such great weather that any excuse was good for leaving the house. And the free time I had was spent finishing my contribution for a publishing project, which of course I left to the last minute.

Also for this purpose, I had to get some photos of my working space .. the problem is, I don't really have a working space. Our appartment is so small that I just work wherever there's free space, usually the living room floor or sometimes the kitchen table. So for the last few days, this is how our kitchen table looked like ...



Sandrine (alias Didine ♥ ) said...

I'm so impatient to discover your new creations :) I wish you a sweet thursday ! XO

Anonymous said...

Aqueles bagels têm muito bom aspecto, muito bom aspecto mesmo!

Anonymous said...

Parabéns! Adorei o teu trabalho.

Anonymous said...

Parabéns pelo trabalho!
O que me chamou a atenção hoje foi o aspecto muito bom das bagels. Partilho essa pena de não as termos por cá. Sempre pensei " deve haver um sítio... alguém deve saber..."
E seria possível partilhar a receita ou pelo menos o nome do livro onde a posso encontrar?

fantasma said...

Epá, que bom aspecto esses bagels! Diz aí a página da receita!! :op
E de resto, parece-me que foi um fim de semana produtivo ;)

Anonymous said...

Fica aqui a informação para quem esteja interessado: Há uma padaria na Rua do Crucifixo, em Lisboa, que vende bagels de várias qualidades.

Rodrigo Palma said...

Gostei muito do new-look do chocolate (^_^)v