what a funny coincidence ... yesterday I finished my July swap for color-iffic-swaporama (themed brown and aqua) and at the same time I received my June package (themed black, white and my own preference of color: red).

for this month I decided to make yet another softie, and because my secret recipient said she liked bunnies, I decided to go for Hillary's
wee bunny pattern.

That and the tote bag are the handmade items for July's package. I didn't read the post about the melting chocolate before buying the rest of the items, so I'm going to send those anyway and I hope they'll arrive somewhat intact.

as for my June package, it came from the lovely Fabiana (
Fleacircus) and it's full of amazing stuff. My favourites are these handmade items, just look at the customized handbook and the sweet hand carved stamp (not to mention all the buttons, trims, buckles and other notions that she sent for my crafting projects). Thanks so much Fabiana, this package made my week :-)

and another trade received and sent. The
magic yarn ball swap was sent off yesterday. I chose to send two balls, since my pal has kids and I thought they deserved to have their own.

Mine has already arrived, the most gorgeous red sock yarn that
Danni dyed herself. Danni was a sweetie and an amazing pal and sent me several surprise e-mails and comments during the swap:) Can't wait to start using it and discover what is hidden inside ...