I named them Naoko and Miu (after book characters from one of my favourite authors ... any guesses ? it's too easy anyway ;)
And here's a shot of the whole gang ...

No more new posts until next Monday, I'm flying tomorrow to São Paulo on a work related trip and I'll only be back on Monday morning. Hopefully I'll have time for a little shopping with Eglair and Fabiana :)
Boa viagem!
They are SWEET !
Tão queridas, tão fofinhas...dá vontade de coleccionar ;).
Eh, São Paulo?! Isso é que é uma chatice, hem???
Boa viagem!! :)
oh, a Fabiana! se soubesse que a ias ver, enviava-te algumas coisas para ela. Leva uns beijos meus para ela ok? e não te esqueças do cachecol!
boa viagem! as ratinhas estão cada vez mais lindas!
So sweet! *feels foreign* :p
oh!! they are just darling!! and such a lovely photo too!
My legs bounced up and down when I saw the picture of all them together, I was like, I want one!
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