This first one came from Sher, another gimme your stuff swap, and it was full of the most amazing bits (just check that fabric pile). I so enjoyed everything she sent me.

Next, the lovely and talented Mariko really spoiled me with her packages. She sent me the cutest fabrics, loads of candies, yummy dark chocolate (yes, it's half gone already .. what can I say ? we love dark chocolate), a fantastic knitting magazine, goodies from her recent trip to Japan and not one but three lipglosses that I'm planning to use all winter long (hershey's chocolate, burt's bees raspberry and japanese cherry ... humm, all so delicious).

And of course, you probably know this already, but Mariko and Kelly opened superbuzzy, their own online fabric store, sometime ago, but only recently did I have the chance to make an order. They have the most amazing fabrics and other bits for sale, and I just couldn't resist these ones below (don't you just love the hedgehogs one ?)

And finally, a purchase from eBay, several japanese fabric pieces which I absolutely adore, and will probably use very sparingly.

Very good mail indeed :)
Wow! I wish I got your mail!! All I get is bills!
Lucky you! I'm a bit jealous... Hope you enjoy all your goodies!
i want your stuff.he,he.
nice work
i took a peak into their shop and they have great things.
oh that looks heavenly! lucky you! <3
you're welcome
Very nice. You are lucky!!!
ai... que delícia! a tua casa estar recheada de coisas lindas =)))
como não podia deixar de ser, adoro a fita de fita métrica! eheh
falta um "deve" em "a tua casa estar..."... é "a tua casa deve estar recheada de coisas lindas"
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