Monday, April 16, 2007

chocolate cake, anyone ?

This weekend was just weather perfect, wasn't it ? It was sunny and warm enough for me to wear short sleeves for the first time this season, so we enjoyed our time out.
It was also my friend's little girl's birthday, so I wanted to bake her a treat for tea yesterday (actually, there was more baking involved. I made some rye bread and applesauce cake .. yet again. I know, I've been baking this cake every weekend lately, but it's that good, trust me)

I decided to try out the dutch chocolate cake recipe that Alicia posted a while back, and it's definitely a winner. I had to bake them for a little while longer (20 min, I think) but they came out perfect. And tasted equally delicious.

I made only half the recipe, which gave me 6 large ones, and decorated only half of those, since I figured the children would appreciate them more plain. I was glad to have been proved right, they had finished theirs even before we grown ups sat at the table.

Unfortunately the frosting didn't come out as intended, I think I didn't beat it right or something because it didn't go fluffy as planned. But it still tasted good - too good actually, since they're all gone now.


Anonymous said...

Não me dês ideias, que aos fins de semana tenho sempre vontade de experimentar novas receitas.
Mas eu vou ser forte, nada de bolo de chocolate. :)

kitty-san said...

Me,me,me!!! Que aspecto delicioso! És uma cach`pinha mesmo prendada pá.

Oficina das Linhas said...
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Oficina das Linhas said...

Olá Tânia,
O bolo parece delicioso, mas a toalha... nais deliciosa ainda.

Sandra Dias said...

ai, aiiiiii que eu adoro chocolate e adoro ainda mais morangos!! Que fome!
Por acaso não sobrou nenhum, pois não?

alma vogler said...

hummm parecem tão bons...loveme2times

ruthie said...

se ven muy sabrosos!!! yummy!!