I was going to post something crafty today, but I had a little set back with that project (more on that tomorrow) so I leave you with a few photos of the cats instead. I'm a bit worried how they will adjust to a new house soon, cats are such territorial creatures that I'm afraid it will take them quite a while to adapt. About the title of this post, I'm looking for suggestions for our vacation in September. Because of the house move (which for multiple reasons is now postponed till mid September) we hadn't really made any definite plans for this summer, as we usually do. So if you have any good suggestions as to where we might spend one week in September, preferably not too expensive and somewhere in Europe or close by, please let me know...
Yes, I did finish "Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell" - finally ! I must confess that the third part of the book was actually quite enjoyable, but the first part was so boring that I'm not sure if I can recommend this book or not. To compensate, I'm now reading some teen lit by Odette de Saint-Maurice (again, much recommended by X.), vintage copies bought by T. at the flea market and the first books in Portuguese I'm reading this year (is she a Portuguese writer ? the name misled me, but I couldn't find any non Portuguese references).

And no, I didn't forget about the magazine draw, ladies ... because there were quite a few people interested I decided to give away not one but two copies. The lucky winners are Adriana and Sandrine. Girls, please send me your addresses, and I'll mail out the magazines until the end of the week.
knitting inspiration:
♥ vanessa's cream corset pullover
♥ eunny's twisted switch sweater