Thursday, March 22, 2007

brasil patchwork show

Ahhh, thankfully this week is passing by quicker than the last one. Not that I have much reason to complain, but I'm all ready to go back home now, you know ... I miss my husband, my friends, family, my home, my bed, the cats, just about everything. I guess I could never be one of those career women that travel all the time and live off a suitcase ... Anyway, but this week has been great. I had dinner with Glá and R. a couple of nights ago, at the fantastic Santa Gula restaurant, in Vila Madalena. Very, very good. I'll remember that pistachio créme brulêe for a long time, I'm sure.

And last night I went to the Brasil Patchwork Show, which luckily happened here in S. Paulo during my trip. It was the first time this event took place, so I wasn't expecting much. The exhibition was small, but a few of the more known patchwork shops were there, and since I didn't have the time to visit them before, it was great to be able to check them all out in one place.

A lot of beautiful fabrics were for sale

I especially loved this stand, with Robert Kauffman oriental fabrics on display

And there was also a small quilt exhibit. Most of the work was very traditional, and not quite my style, but these were my favorites

details of that first quilt, I must have stared at it for some good 10 minutes

And of course I bought quite a few fabrics, just couldn't resist them. I especially recommend this store and this one, they had such a variety that it was quite hard to choose.

Definitely worth the visit, even if it was a small exhibit, so if you're in the neighborhood, don't miss it.