So sorry about these intermittent posts, but time hasn't been on my side these past weeks. Anyway, I'll try to post all about the rest of our Italy trip till the end of the week, and then return to a few things more crafty ...
We love car trips, especially because it gives us the chance to get to know parts of the countryside that otherwise would not be possible. And in Tuscany this is even more true, considering the beautiful landscape and so many off the beaten path little villages.
Last time we had visited the most popular places (Siena, Arezzo, Lucca, San Gimignano, Orvieto, Pitigliano, etc) so this time, following Giovanna's suggestion, we decided to head down Val D'Orcia. Our plan was to visit Montalcino, Pienza and the smaller villages of San Quirico and Bagno Vignoni, which are all quite close to each other. Initially we thought we might have time to also see Volterra or Cortona, but these were a bit further away, so that's something for next time as well.
From Firenze we drove south slowly through the Chianti region, passing by Greve in Chianti and Castellina. We stopped here, walked around for a bit and inevitably ended up doing some wine tasting and shopping.

Castellina in Chianti
When we finally reached Montalcino it was a bit before lunch time ...
Views from Montalcino
Care for some Brunello ?

Lunch at a small trattoria near the fortress
One of the main piazzas
After lunch, time to visit San Quirico d'Orcia ...

... and after that, Bagno Vignoni. This was probably my favorite place of the day.

Later in the afternoon our last stop was beautiful Pienza

Which we left just in time to watch the sunset from the roadside

And finally the end of a perfect day, with dinner at Piazza del Campo in Siena

More photos at Flickr here
Wow - these are fantastic photos! If I close my eyes I can almost feel the warmth seeping into my bones, smell the pizza........
Ai meu deus! Que fotografias lindas! Tenho cá em casa um livro sobre a Toscana e essas paisagens podiam perfeitamente figurar nele. Além de viajante, és uma fotógrafa de bom gosto. E a comida, ai, ai, ai...
Só posso imaginar como deve ter sido bom percorrer as estradas da Toscana, num carro ao sabor da vontade. É sem dúvida a melhor maneira de conhecer uma região. És a minha heroína ;)
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