We then took the boat to Varenna ...
... and visited two other gardens there: Villa Muonastero, which is more like a botanical garden
and Villa Cippresi, which is actually a hotel (there was a wedding going on, but we sneaked in anyway)

Finally, we took the boat to the opposite shore and visited Mennagio and the fabulous Villa Carlota at nearby Cenobbio. This one was another favorite, it's just amazing.
More photos at Flickr:
Villa Cippresi
Villa Muonastero
Villa Carlota
the photos are gorgeous
thanks for transporting me to another place even if for a brief moment in time
Aqui sim, é la Dolce Vitta!!!!!
belas fotos!
O que eu adoro Itália!
I must agree with other comments; the photos and your narrative are wonderful. Thank you for sharing.
You have just beautiful pictures. They are truly breath taking.
Your pictures are beautiful ..!
Your photos are lovely and make me ache for Italy.....
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