I highly recommend this restaurant, a very good vegetarian called Jardim dos Sentidos ... nice atmosphere, the food is delicious, and it even has a garden at the back which is perfect for dining outside during summer.
my godson was particularly hyper active and made me run after him all over the restaurant ...

and when he throws a tantrum he can be quite noisy :P

and tomorrow we're leaving for Salamanca, where we'll spend a couple of days just visiting that area... it's funny, I've been to Spain so many times but somewhow there's always another place that I haven't discovered yet. A friend of mine told us that Salamanca was worth visiting, so we're going there and also passing by Cáceres, maybe Toledo and the walled city of Avila.
and on Thursday we catch our flight to Munich... We've already heard from several sources that the floods in Southern Bavaria and Austria didn't affect any of the places in our planned itinerary so we're hoping for the best :-)
finally, I was trying to decide what books to take with me on vacation, and I've settled with these:
- "Bet me", by Jennifer Crusie - a bookring that arrived last week, and should be a very light reading
- "The disorderly knights", "Pawn in Frankincense" and "The ringed castle", by Dorothy Dunnet - I'm in the middle of vol. III but I'm hoping to finish it during the next couple of days and take the other two with me to Germany.
- "Plain truth" and "Vanishing acts", by Jodi Picoult - I've been reading this author's books all in a row, and these are a couple that I still have left on my TBR. It's a pity that I read them so quickly, though ...
- "The New York trilogy", by Paul Auster - b-day present that I got yesterday, comes highly recommended.
1 comment:
Jardim dos Sentidos? Hum... só o nome já dá vontade de experimentar. Pena que está um pouquinho longe. Quanto aos livros, minha sugestão é de que não deixe de levar "Trilogia de Nova Iorque", do Paul Auster. Boa Viagem!
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