This year was supposed to be the year where we'd host christmas eve dinner at our home. Unfortunately, as it happens, and due to circumstances beyond our control (like the probability that electricity will fail that night and such .. I blame the constructor, but that's another story), that won't happen. Instead, we'll have it at my uncle's, which will be just as nice, but I can't help but feel a tiny bit disappointed (although part of me is quite relieved I won't have to go mad with all the preparations that it entails). But I'm excited about it, as usual, because Christmas for us is always a big family event. I have a large family which seems to be growing every year with little ones, so it's also quite fun and noisy. And because we so rarely manage to get everyone together, I relish these occasions more each year that goes by. When I as a kid, it was all about the presents, we each even had to perform something (a song, a play) in order to get our own and looking back it was so much fun, but now as a grown up I just feel incredibly lucky we're still able to spend it together.
We were a bit late putting up our christmas decorations, and this year being the first one at this new house I insisted I had to make some. Just a couple of things, like these soft trees, inspired by
Stephanie's, which I finally had the time to make. I made them in cream fleece and suede, and decorated them with felt and buttons - simple, but so gratifying.

Our tree in the corner of the living room, and I'm just so happy we now have a space for it (in the old apartment, the only space we had for it was in the kitchen). Can you spot Sushi trying to chew the branches ? At the rate she's going I think next year we'll probably have to get a new one ...

These snowmen came from Germany, picked up during last year and this year's trip.

... and this Santa from Zagreb

And an early gift to myself. I just couldn't resist getting this gorgeous
Tord Boontje plate at a local store (at Area, if you're interested). It's called "Table stories" and it's part of a two set. And then this morning I just saw
this post about Tord at decor8, I guess I'll have to put that book on my wishlist.

The plate looked a bit lonely, so I just had to indulge on some
paper globe therapy too :)

Hope you'll all have a lovely holiday :) Tomorrow we're starting our round of Christmas lunches and dinners, so I'll be back Tuesday or later with hopefully some of those promised vacation photos. Take care, xoxo