The new books from that T. helped me order have finally arrived, and they are soooo amazing. I love these japanese crafts books, they're always so original and although I can't understand any of the written instructions, usually the diagrams and photos that are included are quite self explanatory.
This time I chose these two: Simple Chic, because I love the simple cut and design of these dresses, and Zakka & Wear, because of all the cat designs, of course ;-)
Some of my favourite projects are these...
Zakka & Wear, ISBN: 4579110293
Simple Chic, ISBN: 4579109619
A capa é linda, para não variar. Aquele conjunto de cores está excelente.
E adorei o livro com ideias de coisas com gatos!! Fiquei em pulgas para ver o que vais fazer dali! Nem sei dizer o que gosto mais, se do cachecol, das malas, das almofadas, daquela camisola... uau!!
Eu quero fazer as almofadas. Digo isso agora, vamos ver se percebo alguma coisa do esquema :p
Adorei a camisola com o gato e os dois gatos no sofá! "Xpétáculo"!!
Adoro os livros, estou tão contente, quero experimentar tudo, mas e isto é doente, já estou a espreitar para mais.... Sick, sick, sick...
Wow, the book Zakka & Wear really shows gorgeous products!
Oh, my!
You got Japanese books??
I know the author and I like her a lot, too!
A sweater do gato está o máximo!
I love this blog.....
you are a good person to know. Thanks for sharring your tips on books.
i loved the japanese magazines, i went looking for them in amazon, but i can't really know how much they cost!
can you help me?
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