Thursday, November 24, 2005

new books and another cover

#134, order from V.

The new books from that T. helped me order have finally arrived, and they are soooo amazing. I love these japanese crafts books, they're always so original and although I can't understand any of the written instructions, usually the diagrams and photos that are included are quite self explanatory.

This time I chose these two: Simple Chic, because I love the simple cut and design of these dresses, and Zakka & Wear, because of all the cat designs, of course ;-)

Some of my favourite projects are these...

Zakka & Wear, ISBN: 4579110293

Simple Chic, ISBN: 4579109619



fantasma said...

A capa é linda, para não variar. Aquele conjunto de cores está excelente.
E adorei o livro com ideias de coisas com gatos!! Fiquei em pulgas para ver o que vais fazer dali! Nem sei dizer o que gosto mais, se do cachecol, das malas, das almofadas, daquela camisola... uau!!

Flor said...

Eu quero fazer as almofadas. Digo isso agora, vamos ver se percebo alguma coisa do esquema :p

Pantera said...

Adorei a camisola com o gato e os dois gatos no sofá! "Xpétáculo"!!

.. said...

Adoro os livros, estou tão contente, quero experimentar tudo, mas e isto é doente, já estou a espreitar para mais.... Sick, sick, sick...

Anonymous said...

Wow, the book Zakka & Wear really shows gorgeous products!

Kumi said...

Oh, my!
You got Japanese books??
I know the author and I like her a lot, too!

kitty-san said...

A sweater do gato está o máximo!

Anonymous said...

I love this blog.....
you are a good person to know. Thanks for sharring your tips on books.

Li said...

i loved the japanese magazines, i went looking for them in amazon, but i can't really know how much they cost!
can you help me?