the last couple of weeks have been hectic, as I've been trying to finish all x-Mas orders and have everything else ready for x-mas. I'm finally done with all of them, and will take a couple of days off to relax.... after new year's I'll start working on my list of orders for January and February, but since those will be two very busy months for me with other projects, I'll only be able to accept new orders for delivery starting in March... in the meantime, here are my favourite items produced during the last days, the rest you can check
#42, red corduroy bag, order from S.

#5 pencil case, order from D.

#162, red cover with ladybugs, order from M.

#160, lilac cover with pucca, order from M.

#174, red cover with flowers, x-mas gift for C.

#172, blue cover with pig, order from M.

#170, red cover with flowers, order from L.

#171, lilac cover with cat, order from L.

#167, blue cover with butterflies, order from L.

#164, red cover with cat, order from M.

#165, beige cover with owl, order from M.
No more orders for february? :(
Sniff sniff
Estão todas lindas! Apesar da falta de cães :(
n me fazias um porta lápis do género deste k tens aki??? eu gostei muito...
???? :( resp por favor.... keria um estojo para os lápis....
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