is it just me or today it's just incredibly hot ? definitely one of those summer days that were not meant for me to be staying indoors working at the office ...
I can't seem to get enough of that shirt pattern, so I've made myself a couple more during the weekend. Red is my favourite color, and I was saving this piece of japanese cotton fabric for something really special.
The other fabric is very, very light (T. got it for me from Feira dos Tecidos) but has a stunning pattern and beautiful colors.
(and just noticed that Flickr changed its layout completely ... humm, not sure if I like it this way better)
Recebeste o meu mail?
Amei a blusa! Qual foi a Burda de onde retiraste o modelo que te serviu de base para este trabalho?
I like this Burda pattern too. Yours turned out really pretty.
Está linda :)
Estão lindas, e ficam-te mesmo bem. Suponho que o tecido chegou? ;) Ainda não sei o que fazer com o meu.
Adorei a que tens vestida! O tecido é lindo mesmo!!
(quanto ao flickr, estou contigo....)
About flickr, forgot to mention it, I HATED it yesterday, specially when I could not figure out how to send messages. But today I am rather liking and the new features, and admittedly it presents a lot of shortcuts. I am a cliché, hating changing but loving it a bit after.
Fizeste muito bem em guardar esse pedacinho 'japono'. A blusa ficou linda. O padrão é realmente bonito. :)))
PS Tb n acho piada nenhuma ao novo layout do flickr mas é como diz a teresa, a gente estranha mas logo se habitua...
Ohhh, I like the first blouse pattern - red's my favorite color also. What's the pattern name?
esta maravilhosa.......e a estampa então!!
You're my source of inspiration ! I'm going to try to make one for me :) I hope it will be ok ! I f I have problems I'll ask you LOL ! Have a sweet day !
ohhh, this is just as gorgeous as your other one!
what a lovely top! (As is all of your work). is the pattern from the burda spring magazine?
The top left top is so pretty! That fabric is really amazing to look at.
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