Sunday, September 09, 2007

Japanese tunic

Here's one of those other tops I had started a few weeks ago. I've been wanting to try out this pattern ever since I saw it on Burda 03/07 (it's pattern nr 103 B). It's actually sort of a tunic, and I immediately liked the contrast effect of the bands on the neckline and waist.

The fabric is one of my favorites, it came from Barcelona's Nunoya and I knew I had to make something special I could wear with it.

Adjustments I had to make: added another zipper on the side (or it would be very hard to make it pass through my shoulders) and closed the folds on the front, sewing them together. It came out so well I'll probably make it again ... after all, that's why I must buy more japanese fabrics, right ?


amanda said...

Gorgeous! And, yes, I would say that pattern warrants the purchase of more Japanese fabric ;)

Anonymous said...

É lindo, Tânia!!! =)

Queria ainda desejar-te umas óptimas férias e dizer que ADOREI as comprinhas que te fiz. É tudo tão perfitinho e delicado...
Acho que vou ter que arranjar um suplemento ao meu orçamento familiar para poder ter estes miminhos...

Bj e obrigada por tudo!

Sandra Lopes - Coimbra

Oiyi said...

Very pretty. Love the fabrics you chose.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Wow! It looks fantastic. :)

Anonymous said...

what a wonderful masterpiece ! nice fabric, and it suits you perfectly !

Unknown said...

Ficou muito bonito, o tecido é fantástico.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Que linda, acho que a tua "tunic" é bem bonita.... (falo pouco é muito mal portuguès).

Anonymous said...

WOW, gorgeous!
And I totally agree about that fabric. It was and is one of my favourites, have it since three years and never used it because it should be made into something special... many fabrics I own for such a long time I don't like any more, this one I never get tired of.
Have a nice vacation!

isabel said...

Parabéns,ficou linda!

JC said...



Joana Candeias

Sue said...

I have to agree you need to buy more japanese fabric so you can make yourself another gorgeous top just like that one. It turned out perfectly.

iSeL said...

Beautiful combination of fabrics, and the fit is fabulous.

Sofia's Cakes said...

Tens imenso geito para a máquina de costura e para escolher muitissímo bem os tecido. Tens coisas muito giras.Parabéns.:-)


Anonymous said...

maravilhosa! gorgeous!! is it for sale? how much?

love it! adoro a mesmo!! eum q lingua devo escrever ?? :)) jinhos

Ana Coelho

shelbi said...

oh my this is stunning. we share a love for chocolate and beautiful patterns.

Anonymous said...

adorei a tunica :) é linda... tb vende ou é so para uso pessoal?
pode responder para

Daydreamer said...

This top is absolutely lovely!!! Do you know if it's available on the burda website? I just HAVE to make one for myself!!!
Love the fabric too btw.