see what's arrived here ? my latest bookdepository order ! And in it, my long awaited copy of Ken Follett's World without end.
Since Pillars of the earth is one of my all time favorite historical novels ever - I first read it more than ten years ago - I've been really looking forward to reading this. I've already started it, covered about 200 pages the other night, but I'm slowing down so I can savor it properly ... it is about 900 pages long, so it should last me until the weekend at least.
Also on this pile is Jane's book. I've always loved reading her blog, and planned to purchase the book way before all the uproar it generated. I can't wait to get started with this either. I know it will be an amazing read, Jane has a way with words that never fails to impress me, and her projects are always an inspiration. As for the rest, well, I'm so glad I live in a time and age where women can actually choose what they want to do with their lives and not be confined to restricted standards of society anymore. So if I enjoy being a career woman (most days, anyway) but I also love sewing and knitting and baking, and actually make the time for it, don't you think it's possible to have it both ways ? I'd say it's a question of balance, and lifestyle and life choices and to each its own (Yvonne recently made a good point here)
Still on books, and replying to a couple of comments and e-mails I got, here's a short review of a few things I read recently:
* Julie & Julia: I should've known better than to purchase a book based on all the hype and buzz. I really tried to enjoy it, I did, but the author was whining so much all the time I couldn't stand it. Some of the cooking parts were interesting enough, but that was it.
* Ysabel: I usually love Guy Gavriel Kay's books, but this one was much of a disappointment. The setting was promising (Provence, although in modern times) but the story not that engrossing and too predictable, especially when compared to Lions of Al-Rassan (my favorite one) or the Sarantine books. I hope the next one gets better...
* Moonshine and The girl's guide to kissing frogs: for chic lit, I think that V. Clayton does it quite well (thanks to my friend T for lending these to me). Moonshine is my all time favorite now of all her books, a romantic story with very captivating characters. The other one is not as good, but still it makes a good read.
* Stick Figure: anorexia in an 11 year old girl. It's scary to think how this is possible, but the book is quite well written, funny and very believable.
Anyway, how did this post get so long ? What I really wanted to share with you today was my new bookcover design. This idea came to me while I was stuck in traffic the other day. It's a mix of all previous designs into one, actually. The elastic rubber closure loop and the couple of buttons ensures that I can use this for several book thicknesses, like the wrap around covers. The outside patchwork strip holds the cover together and the inside strips are used for not letting the book slip. This way I can actually read without having to take the cover off.
I used the linen and japanese cotton fabrics mix here, but I'm thinking on a few variations on that. So what do you think ? I'd really love to get your opinion on the several bookcover types that I usually make, so I can plan better for my next shop updates. For example, my first covers all had felt appliqué designs on them, but I've stopped doing so much of them because felt doesn't really hold very well with time (and it's terrible for washing). So tell me what's your favorite, will you ? I really appreciate the feedback.
I'm signing off early this week, since tomorrow we have a holiday so I'm having a long weekend ahead. Lots of knitting, sewing, reading, bike riding, planning to go see this exhibit, or maybe just doing nothing for a few days ...
(Before I go, did anyone watch the "Truth about food" BBC documentaries these past sundays ? I thought they were very interesting, now I'm ever so glad I enjoy eating tomatoes, and spinach and berries, among other things, and I don't need to feel so guilty about not drinking enough water anymore. I was surprised about the detox diet results, I really expected there would be a difference. I only caught the last two episodes, but the book is already on my wish list)
I'd like to see that model tomorrow, but from the pictures it already looks quite functional! :)
On the felt appliqués things, they're beautiful, but sadly unusable for washing problems and even everyday wear and tear..
But i did like the base fabric, i have two of them and i sweat immensely from my hands but the fabric has held tremendously, and it's still very soft!
I'm curious if linen can be as comfortable and strong...
just discovered your blog and i love all the things that you make! :) I love the idea of a book cover - it'll be great for a xmas pressie and the simplicity of the linen goes really well with the patterned fabric.. love it!
Great bookcovers - I have admired your bookcovers for quite some time now! And I loved Pillars of the Earth, I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of his new book!
Adoro a nova capa para livros :-)
Quanto aos documentários, eu acho que vi alguns episódios e gostei bastante.
I like better this kind of bookcover, it looks not only useful but beautiful ;)
I've used the two buttons before and it's very useful for different sizes. I'm an avid reader (and so is my sister too) so I've been experimenting with bookcovers because I hate to see how they get dirty and bent.
I am so jealous you're reading Follet's new book!!! can't wait to get my hands on it.
ps. your cats are soooo cute!!
I simply love your book cover!
Love your latest bookcover design and those messenger bags are real beautiful too!! ^o^
I recently got Jane's book, too. I can't wait to start reading it. I was disappointed in Julie and Julia. It wasn't as good as I hoped it to be.
Tania, como é que consegues ler livros tão depressa?!?!? Dá uma dicas porque, de facto, eu também adoro ler mas não consigo ser tão rápida!
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that book cover.
Acompanho seu blog há algum tempo e adoro seus comentários sobre livros. É claro que as bolsas e bookcovers são de babar e venho sempre admirar as novidades.
Fui convidada a participar de uma brincadeira, sobre livros, e logo pensei em você. Se quiser participar, dê uma olhada em meu blog. O nome do post que explica tudo é Lição de Casa.
esta capa para livros é linda.
visita-me a ajuda a divulgar o meu blog:
Olá Tânia! Vim dar ao seu blogue através de outros e fiquei encantada com o que vi. O seu trabalho é lindissimo e perfeito. Reparei que fez umas compras de livros on line. Como eu nunca fiz e adorava comprar alguns livros como "the crafter's companion",entre outros... Gostava de saber se é tão facil como parece? Já andei a ver, mas estou um pouco reticente... Se me pudesse dar uns conselhos, agradecia! Beijinhos*** Andreia
this looks so pretty, it seems difficult to make.
Good luck
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