I finished knitting the remaining sleeve of my Tilted Duster last night, which is blocking as we speak, and I'm now ready to seam the sleeves. I have a feeling I'm going to need an extra dose of patience to do this, it's going to be my first attempt at seaming a set-in sleeve and I'm terribly afraid it's going to come out all wonky. I usually use mattress stitch for seaming my handknits, which works so well on side seams, but for sleeve caps I have no idea.
In the meantime I also finished the Scoop Neck Vest I had started in the beginning of winter, so I'll try to take some photos during the weekend.
And thank you all for the nice comments about my skirt on the last post. It really got me motivated to finish the dress I mentioned so I'm going to try and work on that soon. I got it out last night and it's now hanging on the studio so I won't forget. I've basted it so I could try it on and it fits perfectly, but as you can see, it's got a lot of pleats, which is probably the reason why I keep postponing to seam it.

On the other hand, here are some fabrics I purchased lately which I hope to turn into summer dresses. Now I just have to find the right patterns for them. Speaking of which, I got the latest Boden catalogue this week and I fell in love with yet another of their dresses, but none of the colors are right for me (and I'm not the biggest fan of polka dots anyway). Has anyone seen a pattern similar to this one anywhere ? If you have, please let me know, I think this would look really good in some linen I have in stash.
This weekend promises to be a relaxing one. There's a concert to attend, which A. is really excited about since it's one of his all time favorite bands, but apart from that I hope I can fit in a lot of crafting time and finish some orders, and maybe a couple of other things for a shop update next week (probably some bags). Have a great weekend :)

Very cute dress! I would have never had the patience to baste it, I would have gone right for the finish line and hoped it fit! But I'm a lazy sewer.
adorei conhecer este blog!!!
o mais interessante é que vim ca ter atravez de um blog japones!
tb adoro os padroes dos tecidos japoneses.
O vestido está lindo, e os tecidos merecem um padrão melhor. Não vi nada parecido, se vir aviso-te. Tenho uns livros dos anos 30 sobre como fazer padrões à medida da freguesa ;)
padrão melhor, quero dizer, um padrão certo, que seja o que queres! Todos os teus vestidos tem padrões lindos. hoje estou é dislexica, sai uma palavra parecida em vez da certa.... preciso de mais cafeina
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