Friday, March 19, 2010

Lainio Snow Village

One of the main attractions in Yllas during the winter are the snowmobile excursions. There's plenty of alternatives on offer, but we ended up choosing just one, which was the excursion to the Lainio Snow Village.

Snow Fun Safaris runs this on Thursdays, and they had the most competitive price, so that's who we chose to go with (and their service was impeccable). In the end I ended up not going, but A. and our friends did and they had a fabulous time.

It was really cold that day, but they were given suits to wear on top of their regular clothes, so their only complaints were freezing hands and feet (although the snowmobile had some sort of heating pads on the handles).

The snow village is not very far from Yllas, but the excursion first takes you up to the Yllas fell, and then onto to the village, where you have lunch before heading back.

The village itself is mainly just the ice hotel, some ice sculptures outside, and a small chapel. The interior seems stunning, but I'm not sure I could really spend the night here ...

:: at the top of Yllas fell

:: snowmobiling

:: inside the ice hotel at the Lainio snow village

:: ice hotel room

:: the ice bar