Thursday, October 08, 2015

* c h a n g e *

It's been a while since I posted, and yet so much has happened since then. The last three months have been a whirlwind, but now that we are more or less settled I thought it was time to start posting again. So back in July I decided to accept a new job offer abroad ...which meant that we had to move to Germany. Or more precisely, to Frankfurt. That was, of course, a huge change for us.

We've been here for a little over a month now and I can say it's been a really good experience so far. I'll try to write more about our first weeks here later on (they were quite surreal sometimes), but for now I'll leave you with a few photos of our new home in beautiful Sachsenhausen.

And although I haven't posted much lately you can also find me on Instagram now (@tania.ho). I decided to create an account to share photos from our trip to the Açores back in June (another trip that I must blog about, it's become one of my favorite places now), and now of our adventures in Germany.

1 comment:

Ariana W said...

Hi nice reading your bblog