A lot of people have asked me before about the name of this blog, and what does it mean... The reason is very simple, actually. It's the title of a book, one of my *all-time* favourite books, as it happens. It's a children's book, to be more precise, by Portuguese author
Alice Vieira, and the last volume of a trilogy. I've read most of her books, and I like them so much that I re-read them very often, but this one is still my absolute favourite since I was about 12. It translates into "chocolate in the rain", which I guess it doesn't make any sense, unless you've read the book, then in which case you know exactly what's it all about (and if you haven't read this yet, grab yourself a large cup of tea and read the 3 books all at once. You won't regret it, I promise)
These quilted bags have been finished for a week now, but I've just been too lazy to photograph them well. And the fact that our appartment looks like sort of a warehouse right now, with all the packing going on really doesn't help with the crafty part. But
anyway, these were finished and I like them so much that I'll probably make a few more throughout this winter. Just can't get enough of the patchwork lately. I'm keeping the blue and brown one but the other two will be up for sale soon (I know, shop updates have been irregular to say the least, but I'm
trying, I really am). And now, gotta go and pack a few more books ...

Adorei saber a origem do nome do blog. Tinha curiosidade em saber e fiquei curiosa para ler os livros. Vou ver se encontro por aqui...
Lindas bolsas! Parabéns pelo bom gosto.
Love those bags! Since I'm forever in need of more bags, I should go make myself some more :)
The patchwork bags are beautiful!
Oh how I love those three books. They've been some of my favorites since I was ten, probably. (And my are even signed by the author!) :)
Everytime a kid at work asks me which book to read, (something that doesn't happen often, I'm affraid), I always recommend Alice Vieira's books.
Have you ever seen the Rosa, minha irmã rosa special edition? Hardcover, big format, illustrated? It's beautiful, I have to get one. :)
Beautiful bags and I love the translation of you name
Adorei a mala vermelha e branca, é um primor de simplicidade e beleza!! O nome do meu blog tem um nome parecido com o teu, mas a razão desse nome é completamente diferente! À cerca de 15 anos vinha eu da escola e ouvi um miar (chovia torrencialmente!) e era uma gatinha ainda bebé (na idade de mamar, ainda!). É claro que a trouxe para casa (a minha mãe é que não achou lá muita piada) e tornou-se na minha "soul mate". Essa gata ainda hoje é viva e ainda hoje, quando chove bastante, ela desata a miar...
Por acaso já me tinha questionado acerca do título do teu blog... agora já fiquei esclarecido ;) Gostei de saber que é o nome de algo que deixou marcas positivas na tua vida. (^_^)v
Alice Vieira é um marco para pequenos e graúdos!
E adorei as malas!!
I love those books. They were part of my childhood in a very special way. After all, they gave me my name :) And I was almost called Rita! Fortunately, the good sense prevailed and Mariana it is! :)
Oh Tania, adoro essas malas!!!! Vais vender na tua loja?
tantas novidades giras... já não vinha aqui há algum tempo! já conhecia o nome do livro mas ainda não o li... quem sabe se não será o próximo!!!
bjnh, manela
Beautiful bags ;o)
Loving the *chocolate rain*
Those bags are so cute. I just bought a new bag making book yesterday, and I am itching to start on them asap. I love the name of your blog too, and that book sounds so interesting.
Your bags are gorgeous!
adorei as bolsas novas! ;D
Eu também adoro essa trilogia da Alice Vieira, já perdi a conta das vezes que os reli!
Ah, as malas são mesmo lindas :)
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