First inspired by Cassi, and then Jane and finally Alicia, of course. I had to start my own ripple blanket right away, after waiting patiently for my copy of the book to arrive.
Little did I know that rippling could be so addictive. You should have warned me, ladies.
Meaning I should've been working on some wholesale orders last night but actually I spent the night working on the blanket instead (and on my pajama bottoms too :). I'm not very good at crochet (it took me ages to finish the first couple of rows) but once you get started there's no stopping.
Even so, I think this is going to take me quite a while. Probably until Spring, most likely. I've been using all bits of colorful yarn I had on my stash, and I choose every row color as I go, so who knows what it will look like at the end. But for now, I'm happy and rippling away.
More blanket inspiration at the Flickr group
adorei as lãs.....esse desenho ondulado no crochet deve ser super dificil.....
eu começei a aprender, mas minha paciência não deixou....hahaha
as lãs são lindas! e a manta promete!
Inveja! Tenho esse livro na minha wish list. Vale a pena comprar? Sabes como gosto de crochet :)
Está a ficar muito giro. Boa combinação de cores!
Não é nada difícil, para quem sabe o básico de crochet.
Podem ver estes patterns e fazer o ponto com as cores que quiserem:
Em portugues BR, um vídeo:
Hmmm. I've tried unsubscribing and resubscribing several times and I'm still getting a feed error on Bloglines which is preventing it from being updated. Maybe it'll fix itself with time??? One can hope.
Estou a dias tentando surfar nessas ondas, mas está tudo muito hostil neste mar que tento criar.
tu não me jogas uma bóia para que eu possa salvar-me?
Olho bem de perto, mas tem ai segredos que se escondem, ajuda-me?
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