Thursday, August 16, 2007


introducing to you the newest member of our household

maggie, 8 weeks old, 850 gr.
loves to play, run wild around the house, hide behind curtains and chasing after Amélie (who is still hissing but not so much anymore)


Rita Pinheiro said...


kitty-san said...

"run wild around the house"- bad news for me,hã!?!
A Maggie é muito gira de qualquer modo... =^-^=

Funky Finds said...

she's precious!

Anonymous said...

She's so cute! I'm in love! :-)

Bethany said...

She looks so sweet!! Congratulations! (I don't know if you heard but Alicia from Posie gets Cozy just lost her corgi today... very emotional day and I'm so glad I read your blog after hers!!)

flanthrower said...

omg! so cute! so tiny!

Cheryl said...

What an absolutely adorable, sweet little kitty! I know your heart must already be bursting with love for this tiny creature!

Anonymous said...

Oh so cute, I want one! I wonder if my puppy would get on with a kitten? ;)

Anonymous said...

T, ela é linda. :)
Bem vinda Maggie!

Sue said...

Hooray for gorgeous new kitties. She is really beautiful, and her name suits her too.

Mariana said...

É linda! E tem ar de traquinas! :)

Anonymous said...

adorable! i am a smitten kitten.

Mama Urchin said...

She is so sweet

leslie said...

oh, i love her! sooo cute : )

Meg McElwee said...

What a lovable little ball of fluff! And I'm sure Amelie's hissing will stop soon ... try offering both of them a single can of tuna - it worked wonders when I introduced my Amelie to the household!

Anonymous said...

She is adorable! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Such a pretty kitty, she's adorable.

Escalla said...

She's utterly adorable!
I'm glad Amélie is already adapting!

Unknown said...

She's so cute and adorable!!

Paula said...

She is SO sweet. Cats are the best! P x x

3 Gatos Miaus said...


Flor said...


SmurfPop said...

I've just sat here looking at those pictures and SQUEALING - she is absolutely beautiful! I'm so envious x

Mia said...

Just too adorable <3


Anonymous said...

É uma gatinha com sorte!!


Oiyi said...

Congrats! Maggie is so cute!!!

Anonymous said...

Parabéns pela Maggie, ela é linda!

C+SK said...

Ohhhhhhhhh que focinho tao cor-de-rosa!!!!!!

Mónica said...

É tão linda!

Leonor said...

Que linda!

rosa said...

é impossível resistir a uma coisa destas!!!
tão linda e com ar de traquinas!!

APO (Bem-Trapilho) said...

how cute ;-)

Unknown said...

excellent photos. i remember when my kitty was that little. it goes fast!

Unknown said...

que linda!

fantasma said...

E é tão linda, que fofura :)

Anonymous said...

maggie is so pretty.

bonecos e tintas said...

So cute!
Check the new cat in my blog:

Anonymous said...

É tão linda a gatinha! Quem me dera puder também ter mais uma gatinha ;)

paulita mulher metálica said...

Tão delicada que é a tua gatinha, tão gira!! eu tenho 3 gatinhas, é dificil resistir-lhes quando as vemos solitárias pelas ruas a miar de fome.
abraço de aço