Some new books for my to be read (TBR) pile, most purchased under the recommendation of friends, so I'm really looking forward to reading them. My TBR has been growing exponentially ever since joining Bookcrossing almost 5 years ago, but during the last few months I've been working steadily on making it smaller. And so I decided I was intitled to a few treats ...
- Astrid and Veronika, by Linda Olsson
- Arthur and George, by Julian Barnes
- Water for Elephants, by Sarah Gruen
and Knitting classic style, by Veronik Avery, which doesn't actually count for the TBR, but has some nice patterns I'd like to try someday.

On recent reads, I really enjoyed "A thousand splendid suns" by Khaleid Hosseini. I loved and cried my eyes out when reading "The kite runner" last year and was afraid this second book would be a let down. But it wasn't, far from it. It follows the stories of two women, Mariam and Laila, during the last 30 years or so of Afghan history, and the friendship that grows between them. Beautifully written, and very evocative. On a lighter note, I read "The dream-maker's magic", which is the third in a fantasy trilogy for young adults by Sharon Shinn. Didn't enjoy this one as much as the previous ones but it was light reading and exactly what I needed before starting my current read ("My name is red", by Orhan Pamuk, which also came very recommended)
Knit wise, I've also been reading a couple of Elizabeth Zimmerman's books on and off during the last weeks. Don't ask me how, but I only ever heard of EZ after I joined Ravelry (and started reading the forums) and was curious enough to try out these two. These are not exactly your regular knitting books, although they do contain patterns and a multitude of brilliant advice. But it's like reading something from your best friend, that's how well written these books are. And her personal stories and notes are always full of humour, which makes them even more pleasurable to read.
What about you, what are you reading these days ?
Oh, you'll love "Water for Elephants". Very well written and a great story! And I love "Knitting Classic Style", I just wish I didn't already have a million knitting projects going on at once.
Right now I'm about to start Jodi Picoult's new book, "Change of Heart". I've read a number of her books and I really like some of the controversial issues she's written about. I think she's probably one of my favorite writers.
Thanks for your lits, it is inspiring and think I will be looking for ''a Thousand splendid suns''. I read recently ''the Namesake'' by Jhumpa Lahiri and ''Half of a yellow sun'' by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. I highly recommend those.
ola, Tania,essa semana estou lendo As Novas Cartas Portuguesas, realmente,uma boa leitura,bjos
Thanks for sharing your reading. I have read the "Kite Runner" and it is very touching, and am now looking for " A thousand splendid suns". I also love Jodi Picoult's books.
I'm going to check those books out, I'm always looking for new books.
I recently read "The Thirteen Tale" by Diane Setterfield, "The Handmaid's Tale" by Margaret Atwood (I really enjoyed this one) and I'm currently reading "Grotesque" by Natsuo Kirino. This last one is very introspective and weird, as only japanese can be.
I read "My name is Red" last year and I liked a lot, though I realized I know almost nothing about turkish history.
Now I'm reading Ladies Coupé by Anita Nair, a very interesting novel. But my best reading lately has been The elegance of the hedgehog by Muriel Barbery, I highly recomend you, amazing, lovely story.
Olá Tânia. Agora estou a ler "Pelo Mundo Fora" de Julia Glass, e está a ser bastante interessante. Antes disso li "Lição de Tango" de Sveva Casati Modignani e também gostei (esta é uma autora que aprecio muito) mas o livro dela que mais recomendo é "A Viela da Duquesa" que é um livro extraordinário.
I just read 'Water for Elephants', my friend brought it with her while we were on vacation. I did find it enjoyable.
I really liked Arthur and George, I read it in 2006 (i had the insane but fun idea to try and read 50 books that did not achieve that.)
Right now I am reading The Emperor's Children and Thursday Next.
Would love to know what you thought of My name is Red once you have finished. I read Memories of Istanbul and really enjoyed it. I am now living in Istanbul so might read it again. What an interesting city it is -so full of contrasts.
A bip é uma indústria de carácter artesanal que há mais de 40 anos se dedica ao fabrico de balões aeróstatos, munidos de mecha, conhecidos em Portugal como “balões de S. João”.
Venha conhecê-los!
Agora disponíveis on-line no site http//
So extraordinary to see my book here. So... well so extraordinary. But then all about it has been rather... extraordinary.
Written as I sit helplessly waiting for my second novel to land... Out of my hands.
best from Auckland where this year spring follows directly on from summer - and I am such a lover of autumn...
Linda Olsson
Adoro ver o que as outras pessoas andam a ler...e tu les tanto!
Eu estou quase a acabar de ler o clássico "Alto dos Vendavais" e dentro de uns dias vou comecar a ler o "Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman's Search for Everything" da Elizabeth Gilbert. Ouvi falar muito deste livro e estou curiosa.
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