this photo has always been one of my favourites. Not because of me, I don't think I was a particularly cute baby, but I love the expression on my parents' faces in it. My mom passed away more than 2 years ago, but had she still been alive her birthday would've been exactly 5 days before mine. She was a strong woman of impeccable taste (I like to think that some of it actually rubbed off on me) and is and always will be my greatest inspiration.

this second photo is from my 1st birthday party, back when we still lived in Mozambique. Because we came to Portugal when I was so young, I don't really have any vivid recollections of our life there, but when I look at these old family photos I wish so much that I did. Life was different then (or so I've always been told) and in these photos everyone just seems to be having so much fun. Always.
Ever since I remember celebrating a birthday I've shared this day with two other people from my family, both my cousins. The one you see on this photo (in the yellow sweater) is my dear cousin Alexandra, who is 5 years older than me. I don't have any photos of Andre, my other cousin (and although I'm sure he doesn't read this, he might someday and he wouldn't find it very funny if I had posted a photo of him anyway). And because I won't be with either of them today, I just wanted to wish them a very Happy Birthday. So, dearest cousins, a very, very Happy Birthday to us all :)
Sou igualmente saudosa com os meus primos e com a minha infância..Muitos parabéns e um dia muito feliz para ti minha querida.
Parabéns! Um dia muito feliz!
Happy Birthday - lovely photo. Hope you have a great day!
Olha, hoje és pequenina por isso tens direito a um dia extra especial para ti! Aproveita-o bem! bjnh e tudo de bom, manela
Oh muitos muitos parabens! Que post tao bonito - lamento muito sobre a tua mae. Um abraco apertado e muitos beijinhos de parabens!!
Minha querida Tânia, espero que tenhas um dia excelente! Muitos parabéns!
Happy Birthday Tania! I hope you have a wonderful day!
P.S. I think you were an adorable baby!
Happy Birthday! Great picture of you and your mom and dad.
Tânia, muitos Parabéns! Desejo para ti que este seja um dia muito feliz, cheio de sol, iluminado com graça, risos, abraços e muita inspiração! Un pensamento especial também para a tua Mãe! Que o teu coração se encha de alegria e felicidade! Feliz dia de anos!
P.S. - Somos colegas de mês de aniversário! Faço 27 no dia 8!
Happy birthday Tania! I love those pictures of you and your family. You're so cute in them!
Happy Birthday, Tania! Enjoy!!! :D (Btw, is Mozambique a country?)
Parabéns e tudo de muito bom pra vc!
As fotos são lindas.
É sempre bom recordar esses tempos.
Muitos parabés e aproveita o dia de hoje! :)
Muitos parabéns!
Que contes muitos mais.
Happy Birthday. And you certainly were a cute baby!
Happy birthday! It's my sister's too :)
Such wonderful photos and how beautiful your mother is. Hope you have a Happy Birthday!
you were a cute baby, but you are right, your mother does shine in that photo - it´s a lovely photo and got a bit the feeling of knowing her now a bit. ( and you inherited the impeccable taste indeed!)
Apesar do atraso aqui ficam os Parabéns pelos 33 anos... pelo Blog... pelo teu trabalho FANTÁSTICO e por este Post tão comovente. Infelizmente também conheço a dor de uma perda tão importante :( por isso permite-me que te deixe um grande abraço virtal.
Parabéns Tania! Muitas felicidades :)
Muitos parabens!! E já agora, parabens tambem pelo blog!
happy birthday, Tania!!
those are very precious pictures!! =)
Hi Tania.. I was just wondering, if your profile says that you are an Aquarius then why are you celebrating your birthday in September? Shouldn't it be in Jan or February? Perhaps you are a Virgo..
I was born in Mozambique and also left when I was about 2 years old, so I don't have much recollection of it, I've been back to visit many times though.
It's always nice to speak to someone else from there :)
BTW, Muitos Parabens e espero que tenhas passado um dia muito feliz :)
Happy Birthday Tania!!! Hope you had a great day
Na foto com os teus pais, e olhando para o teu pai naquela altura, acho que hoje és parecídissima com ele.
Quanto à tua mãe, tenho a certeza que herdaste muita coisa dela, e que ela vivem em ti por isso.
Sei que o jantar do dia de anos foi bom :) espero que o resto do dia também! Beijos!
Muito parabéns, mesmo que atrasados!!! E que coincidência gira fazemos no mesmo dia a mesma idade!!! 33
Adorei a fotografia está linda!!!
Parabéns e gostei de saber que somos "gémeas" de dia!!! Hi Hi Hi
Se já adorava o teu trabalho agora gosto ainda mais...
Um beijo e um mimo,
Kika e Inês
happy birthday!
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