Thursday, February 15, 2007

ripple everywhere

Have you noticed the ripple craze that has taken over the crafty blog land lately ? Jane and Alicia are to blame, of course, their rippling effect is just too addictive. My own blanket is finally starting to show some growth, but it will be a while before I finish it. And because I'm usually so impatient to finish something, I had to go for a scarf version of the ripples at once.

I just love these colors combined, it's like cotton candy for the eyes.

A few rows of double crochet ...

and voilá, I gave myself a new scarf.



Magda said...

It´s lovely!!
Visit my blog:

Joanna said...

I love this idea! I've been eyeing all the ripples going on too, but the instant gratification of a scarf is genius! It looks great on you :)

Strikkelise said...

Wow that's great. Looks very good on you and goes well with your jacket!

Anonymous said...

gorgeous colors. love your scarf. i must learn to crochet.

Flor said...

Lindo! Estou doida para começar a fazer uma mantinha para a minha sala. Infelizmente, tenho de comparar lãs em Portugal, não me posso dar ao luxo de me faltar lã e depois não encontrar igual por aí :( Já nao fui a tempo de pedir ao R. para me trazer alguma :(

Sue said...

The Valentines bunny is just so cute. I love the ripple blankets too, and they use color so well together dont they. Your scarf looks gorgeous, and the colors suit you so well.

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito! Não imaginava que um bocadinho da mantinha das nossas avós ficasse tão bem num cachecol!!

leslie said...

gorgeous! i love it